Program for openSUSE Virtual Conference 2021

Simon Lees

Live: Using Jack and Open Broadcast Studio to improve your Calls / Talks / Streams

presented by Simon Lees

In a world of online meetings and conferences there are many things we can't do at the moment, at the same time however we are doing far more online.

So what can we do to make our experiences better whether its video conferencing, preparing talks, podcasting or recording youtube videos.

At the same time this conferences format being online provides me with the ideal environment to talk ...


08:00 - 08:45 Stage 1 openSUSE
William Brown

Authentication with Kanidm
IDM above the Sea

presented by William Brown

Authentication and Identity Management are at the core of our systems security. Everyday we all authenticate to many systems, from out phones and laptops, to websites, servers and much more.

Kanidm is a new opensource IDM system that is developing rapidly, and promises many new features previously only found in cloud and identity as a service platforms. This includes webauthn, claims, ssh ma...


08:00 - 08:45 Stage 2 New Technologies
Johannes Segitz

*sing* %post and %pre and securiteeee
How not to get a CVE assigned while packaging

presented by Johannes Segitz

The SUSE security team often finds security issues specific to the rpm packaging of applications. This talk show you some of the findings and will give you recommendations on how to avoid creating CVEs while packaging software

09:00 - 09:30 Stage 1 openSUSE
Dario Faggioli

MicroOS Desktop
Ready For Prime Time

presented by Dario Faggioli

Following a talk at oSC 2019 a small group of openSUSE community members started working on a desktop distribution that could be very easy to maintain, that not only updates itself but also repairs itself, with a base system that is always up to date with the latest upstream development and on top of which users will be able to install and use whatever apps they want.

This is the openSUSE Mi...


09:00 - 10:00 Workshop New Technologies
Guillaume Gardet

openSUSE on Arm

presented by Guillaume Gardet

This talk will cover the past year for openSUSE on Arm, mainly focused on AArch64, but it will also cover armv7 and armv6. At the end, we will have a quick look at the future and where the community could help.

09:30 - 10:00 Stage 1 Embedded Systems and Edge Computing
Douglas DeMaio


presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

10:00 - 11:00 Stage 2 Break
Douglas DeMaio


presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

10:00 - 11:00 Stage 1 Break
Peter Czanik

Security alerting made easy using Python
Sending real-time notifications to Discord and other services

presented by Peter Czanik

A common question about sudo and syslog-ng is how to send alerts to various online services. Both of these have supported sending email notifications for a long time, but more recently users have requested real-time alerting to Slack, Telegram, Discord and others. Peter’s talk will introduce you to alerting using the AppRise Python library. You will need to know a bit of Python and at least one...


11:00 - 11:30 Stage 1 New Technologies
Pau Garcia Quiles

Uyuni - The movie
Where are we and what's next

presented by Pau Garcia Quiles

Brief introduction to Uyuni from the user point of view (how Uyuni helps in your day to day), rather than from the product features point of view.

Uyuni is a software-defined infrastructure and configuration management solution. You can use it to bootstrap physical servers, deploy and update packages and patches -even with content lifecycle management features- create VMs for virtualization ...


11:00 - 11:45 Stage 2 openSUSE

"Public Money? Public Code!"
A campaign framework to promote software freedom

presented by bonnie

Do you want to promote Free Software in public administrations? Then the campaign framework of "Public Money? Public Code!" might be the right choice for you; no matter if you want to do it as an individual or as a group; if you have a small or large time budget.

More than 200 organisations, and more than 29,000 individuals demand that publicly financed software should be made publicly avai...


12:00 - 12:30 Stage 2 Open Source
Douglas DeMaio

Break (30 Minutes)

presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

12:30 - 13:00 Stage 2 Break
Douglas DeMaio

Break (30 Minutes)

presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

12:30 - 13:00 Stage 1 Break
Lubos Kocman

Live: Getting your changes to SUSE Linux Enterprise and Leap

presented by Lubos Kocman

What needs to happen to get your change into SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 and related openSUSE Leap.

13:00 - 14:00 Stage 2 openSUSE

Public Cloud Watcher

presented by asmorodskyi

In this presentation I would like to talk about Public Cloud Watcher Tool used by SUSE SLE QE team to monitor Public Cloud providers ( Azure , AWS , GCE ) for testing leftovers and delete them. I will describe: 1. tool itself ( internal architecture and features it provides ) 2. how we maintain running instance of PCW ( it is deployed in 3 docker containers mai...


13:00 - 13:30 Stage 1 Cloud and Containers
Neal Gompa

The path to sweeter image builds with KIWI
How Datto uses KIWI to simplify building appliance images

presented by Neal Gompa

One of the more heavily underrated openSUSE projects is the KIWI image builder. In the last few years, Datto has started using KIWI to replace the patchwork of custom image build tools to provide a consistent toolchain for producing various appliance images.

This talk introduces the KIWI appliance image builder, outlines some of Datto's ...


14:00 - 14:45 Stage 1 Cloud and Containers
Cris Dywan Oliver Kurz Dan Čermák Santiago Zarate

How do I get my package tested with openQA?

presented by Cris Dywan, Oliver Kurz, Dan Čermák, Santiago Zarate

In this workshop we'll be looking to discuss questions around how openQA is used with openSUSE beyond, including aspects like

  • Is my favorite package tested with openQA?
  • What do test results mean and how do I check them?
  • How can I add an openQA test?

We'll also look at questions from participants. Wether you're totally new to openQA or already have some experience you can bring up ...


14:00 - 15:00 Workshop Open Source
Douglas DeMaio

Break (30 Minutes)

presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

15:00 - 15:30 Stage 1 Break
Douglas DeMaio

Break (30 Minutes)

presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

15:00 - 15:30 Stage 2 Break
alexlee zlatan

Live: Keynote by Alex Lee and Zlatan Todoric from

presented by alexlee, zlatan

Alex Lee is the Chief Executive Officer at Shells. Shells' mission is to bring powerful computing to classrooms and homes across the World, removing barriers to the tools necessary to provide aspiration to the next generation of innovators.

15:30 - 16:00 Stage 1 Open Source
Douglas DeMaio

Keynote by Sheng Liang from SUSE

presented by Douglas DeMaio

Sheng Liang is the President of Engineering & Innovation for SUSE and is the Co-Founder of Rancher Labs. He has a PhD from Yale University in Computer Science and did his undergraduate degree at the University of Science and Technology of China.

16:00 - 16:30 Stage 1 Open Source

Fedora Community Outreach Revamp

presented by marianab

The Fedora Project has been a diverse project since its advent. Fedora has been shipping Workstations, Servers, Cloud, and IoT operating systems as well as many more amazing things to engage developers, users, and innovators worldwide. In earlier years, Fedora outreach was primarily executed by a group of people referred to as Fedora Ambassadors. The Ambassador Program has had many success stor...


16:30 - 17:00 Stage 2 Open Source
Douglas DeMaio


presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

17:00 - 18:00 Stage 1 Break
Douglas DeMaio


presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

17:00 - 18:00 Stage 2 Break
Douglas DeMaio

Live: Cross Collaboration Panel
How projects work together and improve open source together.

presented by Douglas DeMaio

This open-source community panel will discuss cross collaboration between projects. It will offer a Q&A session. Moderator will be ddemaio

18:00 - 19:00 Stage 1 Open Source
Ivo Grimaldi

Multimedia inside openSUSE
music and video with openSUSE Leap

presented by Ivo Grimaldi

Use some multimedia programs to create a professional video. Also explain how professional streaming can be done with remote direction. Some multimedia programs: Audacity, Qsynt, zyn-fusion jack for audio Obs-Studio, kdenlive, inkscape, gimp video image / video

19:00 - 20:00 Workshop openSUSE

Confidential Virtual Machines with AMD SEV-ES and openSUSE Tumbleweed

presented by joro

openSUSE Tumbleweed recently gained full support for running encrypted virtual machines using the AMD SEV-ES technology. This talk will give an overview of Confidential Computing and SEV-ES and shows how users can start and experiment with encrypted virtual machines today on openSUSE Tumbleweed and Leap 15.3.

19:00 - 19:30 Stage 2 New Technologies
Sumana Harihareswara

Live: Rescue and renew a project
How to get legacy open source projects unstuck

presented by Sumana Harihareswara

You depend on scores of open source applications, frameworks, and libraries. One hasn't released for years. Another is struggling with a big rewrite or a difficult maintainer.

How do you get a legacy OSS project unstuck? Especially if you don't already maintain it? I've done it and I'll share how.

I've helped get several OSS projects unstuck. I'll share success stories (one only took 15 h...


19:30 - 20:00 Stage 2 Open Source
Douglas DeMaio

Game Night

presented by Douglas DeMaio

Join us for some gaming. We plan to have games Urban Terror and SuperTuxCart. Get the info for the games at

20:00 - 21:00 Workshop
Sarah Julia Kriesch

openSUSE on the Mainframe
The Future of community distributions on IBM Z

presented by Sarah Julia Kriesch

openSUSE Tumbleweed is available for the s390x architecture again. openSUSE Leap exists as the first version for IBM Z, too. What will we continue? In this presentation, you will hear the background of openSUSE on Z and what is planned for the future in the next steps.

08:00 - 08:30 Stage 1 openSUSE
Pau Garcia Quiles Jack Aboutboul

Enabling new client operating systems in Uyuni
How difficult can it be

presented by Pau Garcia Quiles, Jack Aboutboul

When Uyuni started, it only supported SLES and RHEL as clients. In late 2018, Ubuntu was added. From there, it all went uphill: SLES Expanded Support, openSUSE, CentOS, Oracle Linux, Debian, Alma Linux, Amazon Linux, Alibaba Cloud Linux and Rocky Linux. As of today, Uyuni supports all the major enterprise Linux distributions. How difficult was that? Pau Garcia from Uyuni and Jack Aboutboul from...


08:00 - 08:30 Stage 2 Open Source

Multi-build Python
Shipping modules for multiple version of Python, all at once

presented by StevenK

openSUSE Tumbleweed now provides the Python interpreter and packages built for Python 3.6, 3.8 and 3.9. In this talk, I'll go through broadly how the interpreter is packaged, how module packages are built, how packagers can use the provided macros to their benefit, some sharp edges to watch out for, and what future plans we have.

Please note: I am on the East Coast of Australia, so please be...


08:30 - 09:00 Stage 1 openSUSE

openSUSE documentation: Tame the beast, make it a friend
Everything you didn't know you wanted to know about the openSUSE documentation

presented by Adrien

Technical documentation is like the box of bandages in your bathroom cupboard: you don't know it exists unless you actually need it. And as it happens, it's when you need it the most that you find it half empty...

In this presentation we tell you everything you didn't know you wanted to know about the openSUSE documentation. You'll embark on a journey into the wild, from luxurious wikis to a...


08:30 - 09:00 Stage 2 openSUSE
Lubos Kocman

openSUSE Leap 15.3 retrospective feedback review

presented by Lubos Kocman

Let's go through some of the feedback that we've received from the community for openSUSE Leap 15.3.

09:00 - 10:00 Workshop openSUSE
Dan Čermák

Live: Building a Language Server for Salt States

presented by Dan Čermák

Build a Language Server for Salt States

The Language Server Protocol

A language server is a piece of software that speaks a JSON RPC protocol (called the Language Server Protocol, abbreviated LSP) to provide text editors with code completion, diagnostics, documentation, etc. There are [several editors](https://microsoft.github....


09:30 - 09:45 Stage 1 Open Source
Cris Dywan

Being inclusive and embracing diversity

presented by Cris Dywan

  • Do you like ice cream like everyone else?
  • Announcing pronouns in an unobtrusive way
  • Avoiding gendered language
  • Inclusive terminology in technical contexts
  • Should you care? Why should you care?
  • Being inclusive can be a heated topic

See also my blog post on the topic!

09:45 - 10:00 Stage 1 Community
David Mulder

Samba Client Group Policy for Winbind and SSSD
Managing Linux Clients via Active Directory

presented by David Mulder

Samba can now seamlessly replace Vintela's proprietary Group Policy (VGP) for linux clients. This includes Host Access, Sudoers, Files, OpenSSH settings, Symlinks, MOTD/Issue, etc. This includes recently added samba-tool commands for administering these policies.

09:45 - 10:00 Stage 2 openSUSE
Douglas DeMaio


presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

10:00 - 11:00 Stage 2 Break
Douglas DeMaio


presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

10:00 - 11:00 Stage 1 Break
Matthias Kirschner

Live: 20 Years FSFE
The long way for software freedom

presented by Matthias Kirschner

"Public Money? Public Code!", Router Freedom, Radio Equipment Directive, simple help with licensing, or Free Your Android. These are some of the activities with which the Free Software Foundation Europe has been working since 2001 to empower users to control technology. The talk will give a short overview of the work of the FSFE, with some examples from the areas of: public awareness, policy wo...


11:00 - 11:30 Stage 1 Community
Axel Braun

Free Software in Healthcare

presented by Axel Braun

Health is a very special 'good', and it deserves special attention in terms of security and privacy. But what is the reality? This talk gives an overview about the status of free/libre systems in healthcare, the difference in development & procurement compared to proprietary solutions - and how openSUSE supports healthcare software 'the safe way'

11:00 - 11:30 Stage 2 Open Source
Andrii Nikitin

MirrorCache - future backend of ?
MirrorCache - mirror redirector

presented by Andrii Nikitin

In past months an alternative approach for the backend of has been investigated. MirrorCache shows promising results so far and it may become live as the backend of in Summer 2021. Please join this short talk to briefly hear about the reasons behind the change, how you can prepare for it and how you can help it.

11:30 - 11:45 Stage 1 openSUSE
Andrii Nikitin

Early integration testing with environs framework
Shareable scripting cross-product scenarios

presented by Andrii Nikitin

Do you know difference between starting mariadb vs postgres server as a regular user? Or apache vs nginx? Or maybe want to know specifics of working example of starting rsync server?

There is no difference and no specifics - just use generated start / status / stop scripts. And there is more: (spawn as many services as needed(*), configure ssl for cluster, build services from source, ...) ...


11:45 - 12:00 Stage 1 Open Source
Denys Kondratenko

openSUSEway is a full Wayland DE based on Sway

presented by Denys Kondratenko

In this talk I would like to update ppl and gather some feedback on the state of Sway tiling Wayland compositor running as primarily desktop environment (DE) on openSUSE.

openSUSEway tries to be full DE that is built around Sway and I would share what issues are there and what is the path to the future.

openSUSEway wiki

[openSUSEway sources...


11:45 - 12:00 Stage 2 openSUSE
Douglas DeMaio

Break (30 Minutes)

presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

12:00 - 12:30 Stage 1 Break
Douglas DeMaio

Break (30 Minutes)

presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

12:00 - 12:30 Stage 2 Break
Axel Braun Gertjan Lettink Neal Gompa Simon Lees GeraldPfeifer

Live: Meet the Board

presented by Gertjan Lettink, Neal Gompa, Axel Braun, Simon Lees, GeraldPfeifer

Question and answers session with the openSUSE Board

12:30 - 13:30 Stage 1 openSUSE
Douglas DeMaio

Break (30 Minutes)

presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

13:30 - 14:00 Stage 1 Break
Douglas DeMaio

Break (30 Minutes)

presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

13:30 - 14:00 Stage 2 Break
Patrick Fitzgerald

Live: Avahi / Zeroconf: Some magic sauce that's about more than files and printers
Hand editing config files for local deployment? Say hi to Avahi.

presented by Patrick Fitzgerald

Avahi: free configuration for your network service. _(Live demo included)

If you've wondered how your Desktop Linux machine "discovers" items on your network, such as printers and file shares, this session will explain Avahi: the network service advertises resources across a LAN.

The open source version of Apple's Bonjour/Zeroconf, is a very flexible way to enable discovery of ser...


14:15 - 15:00 Stage 1 Open Source
Douglas DeMaio Adrien

End of Year Survey - Top 10
The things we learned from the survey

presented by Adrien, Douglas DeMaio

The End of Year Survey provided us great insight to users of openSUSE and how they view the project. We will give a Top 10 view about the things we learned from the survey and will provide a summary on how we are proceeding.

14:30 - 15:00 Stage 2 Community
Andres Tello Abrego

Doing OpenBanking with FOSS
Openbanking in an open and fashionable way.

presented by Andres Tello Abrego

Openess have reached the banking. From opensource, to openhardware and now openbanking, but, does OpenBankig is OpenSource? The answer is not so much. The OpenBanking specification is open, but here are no OpenBanking Implementation.

Do we can make a OpenBaking implementation only with OpenSource? Definitivealy yes.

We will explain what OpenSource tools do we used to implement Openbaking...


15:00 - 15:30 Stage 2 New Technologies
Patrick Fitzgerald

Live: Firebird: the high performance database that you didnt know was already on your system.
Installed with Libre Office, Firebird is a vastly capable RDMS.

presented by Patrick Fitzgerald

Following on from the brief introduction at the LibreOffice Summit, I will re-introduce Firebird, the open source version of Interbase, the original embedded systems database.

Firebird is a high performance, small footprint database with a long (and interesting) history.

Firebird features Stored Procedures, Transactions, Encryption, multi user access, and is SQL-92 compliant, and can hand...


15:00 - 15:45 Stage 1 Embedded Systems and Edge Computing
Neal Gompa

Going green (or how to become one with Geeko!)
Going from CentOS Linux to openSUSE Leap

presented by Neal Gompa

Due to recent events in the Enterprise Linux space, people are looking for another rock-solid option for powering their Linux systems. Obviously, openSUSE is a strong contender with openSUSE Leap, especially with openSUSE Leap 15.3!

However, making the jump to openSUSE can be difficult, especially if you're used to or built around tooling typically seen on the red side of the fence. But fret...


15:30 - 16:30 Workshop openSUSE
Douglas DeMaio


presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

16:30 - 17:30 Stage 2 Break
Douglas DeMaio


presented by Douglas DeMaio

Stick around an socialize. Meet in the Hallway or visit the

16:30 - 17:30 Stage 1 Break