Program for openSUSE Conference 2018

SVG as the single source of truth
The designer version control of the future?
presented by Elio Qoshi
SVG is magical when you think about it. It's one of the few formats both developers and designers can interact with. With the rise of SVG compatibility on the web, the format has enjoyed various new use cases with the HTML5 specification. Could it be used as a common file format both designers and developers can collaborate together? As SVG is basically just lines of code, shouldn't designers b...
more 10:00 - 10:15 107 (Small) Open Source
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
presented by Douglas DeMaio
Come visit the booths and do some Retro gaming.
Visit the booths of SUSE, arm, ownCloud, MySQL and TUXEDOComputers.
RetroHerna's collection of video game consoles and computers covers fifty years of video game industry's development.
By bringing authentic hardware to festivals and conferences, RetroHerna offers an authentic display of video games of the 20th century. Re-live you...
more 10:00 - 17:00 Main Lobby (open space)
Why openSUSE
About ideal use case and promoting the gold triangle of openSUSE
presented by SLindoMansilla
This talks is split in three topics:
- openSUSE is not SUSE, it is her sister. There are still too much people outside of open/SUSE world that still confuse the difference and the options they have. This usually leads them to use the wrong distribution for their use cases and thinking that "SUSE" is not working for them. I will describe the current distribution palette and their respe...

Repository priorities for the real world user
Use additional repositories with confidence
presented by Jimmy Berry
The topic of additional repositories comes up on a regular basis. The official position is to submit everything to Factory to avoid the issue, but for a large number of reasons this cannot always be the case. As such users living in the real world have to navigate the unsupported landscape. By far the best approach is to use repository priorities available through libzypp, but unfortunately thi...
more 10:00 - 10:15 105 (Main) openSUSE
Keynote for oSC 2018
presented by Vojtěch Pavlík
Keynote for openSUSE Conference 2018
10:30 - 11:00 105 (Main) openSUSE
Heroes, not Superheroes
What the Heroes would prefer not to tell you ;-)
presented by Christian Boltz
The Heroes were founded two years ago. In this time, we worked hard to maintain and enhance the openSUSE infrastructure, but talking about that would be boring.
Of course, if you do a lot of things, you'll sometimes also make mistakes.
Have a lot of fun with some of our failures, what we learned from them and where we still have room for improvement.
11:00 - 11:30 105 (Main) openSUSE
Serveless Framework for Docker/OCI and Kubernetes
presented by Panos Georgiadis
A quick introduction to the concept of a Serverless and Function-as-a-Service followed by a live demo session based on the SUSE Container-as-a-Service-Plarform (CaaSP v2.0). The presenter will cover the following topics:
- What is Serverless and OpenFaaS
- Use Helm to setup OpenFaaS in SUSE CaaSP and/or test it using DockerSwarm
- Create your own openFaaS openSUSE Docker image in DockerHub...

Let's talk about testing, software and user experience in open source.
presented by Santiago Zarate
Very often we come across a masterpiece of software, while now days almost everything is cool and built for the web, or built with technologies that are changing every single day and moving forward, but often we forget how the user feels when new software is available to download and install, it can be an overwhelming experience.
This talk is meant to talk about how some projects show the tr...
more 11:00 - 11:45 107 (Small) Open Source
openSUSE Leap Release
presented by Ludwig Nussel
openSUSE Leap 15 should be ready at the conference. So this "talk" gives a short intro and releases Leap 15 live.
11:30 - 12:00 105 (Main)
Getting to know AutoYaST
presented by Imobach González Sosa
AutoYaST has been around for a couple of years now, but perhaps it is not well known to part of the openSUSE community. This tool, which allows to perform unattended installations of open(SUSE) systems, is extensively used by SUSE (including customers and partners). Actually, products like SUSE Manager or CaaSP (or Kubic, its Tumbleweed based flavor) take advantage of AutoYaST.
During this w...
more 13:00 - 16:00 349 (Workshop) openSUSE
Create a complete Tor .onion site with Docker and OpenSUSE in less than 15 minutes.
Doing something cool with minimum time.
presented by jsevans
In a way, both Docker and Tor are shrouded in mystery. Containers have been the biggest thing in the IT field in the past few years and yet a lot of people don't know what they are good for. Why not just use a VM? Likewise, Tor is known only for the negative uses and connotations such as "The Dark Web" and "The Deep Web" meanwhile not many people know about the actual positives of the technolog...
more 13:00 - 13:45 105 (Main) Cloud and Containers
Keep calm and refactor OBS
What I learn while refactoring OBS
presented by Ana Maria Martinez Gomez
Open Build Service frontend was started in 2005, even before the first version of Rails was released.It is most likely one of the oldest Rails Project that people still keep using! That implies that legacy code and refactoring are two daily topics in all OBS developers’ lives.
As said, OBS has already some years and because of that all kind of talks about it have been held: how to use it, it...
more 13:00 - 13:30 107 (Small) Open Source
Project: Egkatastasis
Testing package installation using containers
presented by Panos Georgiadis
In Tumbleweed with have roughly ~25.000 packages for 64-bit architecture. Do you know how many of those are actually install-able? From those who are not, do you know the reason behind? Do you know how many of those will become install-able if boo#123456 gets fixed? And from those which can actually be installed, do you know if there are any glitches at the post-installation scripts?
-Sure, ...
more 13:00 - 13:30 155 (Medium) Cloud and Containers
Ceph - The Distributed Storage Solution
Isn't a single NAS system sufficient?
presented by Kai Wagner
You want to learn more about distributed storage solutions and in particular about Ceph? In this talk I would like to give you a quick introduction about distributed storage and Ceph at a glance. What is it? Why is it useful? Why do I need it? Isn't a single NAS system suffiecient?
Who should join? Everyone who uses storage :-)
What is Ceph? Ceph’s foundation is the Reliable Autonomic D...
more 13:30 - 14:00 107 (Small) Open Source
Package Supplements
presented by Simon Lees
"Supplements" in packaging seems like a feature that many people are unaware of, this lightning talk aims to make people aware that supplements exist in packaging as well as how and where they should use them.
14:00 - 14:15 105 (Main) openSUSE
Cloud From Scratch
Building a small cloud the hard way
presented by Chris Ellis
Driven by curiosity and some late night ebay purchases, I ended up down the rabbit hole of building a cloud from scratch: why use OpenStack when you can do it the hard way. This was a great excuse to dive into the various subsystems required to assemble a cloud and to find out how frustrating aspects of it could be.
A cloud is a jigsaw, requiring many different pieces to fit together and co-...
more 14:00 - 14:45 155 (Medium) Cloud and Containers
How to implement a new L4 protocol in VPP
Design tips for success
presented by Marco Varlese
VPP (Vector Packet Processing) is the opensource software aiming to very fast data-processing and its part of the umbrella project known as This talk describes how to design and integrate a new L4 protocol in the existing VPP (Vector Packet Processing) framework. We will use as an example the novel SCTP implementation which has been developed (and now maintained) by the SUSE employee Mar...
more 14:00 - 14:45 107 (Small) Open Source
openSUSE is what you make it
How to change anything you want in the project
presented by Richard Brown
This talk is for openSUSE's aspiring new contributors, existing contributors, users, detractors, or just anyone curious at all about openSUSE. In other words, if you're at this conference, you should consider being at this talk ;)
The session will detail how openSUSE does what it does, and most importantly how openSUSE strives to empower ANYONE to be able to contribute to the project.
more 15:00 - 15:45 105 (Main) openSUSE
Ceph Manager Dashboard
How do I manage such a big cluster?
presented by Kai Wagner
The original Ceph Manager Dashboard that was introduced in Ceph "Luminous" started out as a simple, read-only view into various run-time information and performance data of a Ceph cluster, without authentication or any administrative functionality.
However, as it turns out, there is a growing demand for adding more web-based management capabilities, to make it easier for administrators that ...
more 15:00 - 15:45 107 (Small) Open Source
Logging containers
Collecting host, docker and container logs centrally
presented by Peter Czanik
Event logging is a central source of information for IT operations and security. The syslog-ng application collects logs from many different sources, performs real-time log analysis by processing and filtering them, and finally it stores the logs or forwards them for further analysis. The same feature set comes in handy in a containerized environment too, where you start and stop containers aro...
more 15:00 - 15:45 155 (Medium) Cloud and Containers
"Hello world" from OpenQA
Your first test case by openQA
presented by Jiawei
openQA is an automated test tool for operating systems and the engine at the heart of openSUSE's automated testing initiative.No matter if you are an openSUSE contributor willing to improve the test coverage of your packages, an operating system developer searching for additions to your toolbox or just a curious geek. This workshop would help the one who are interesting with OpenQA to build th...
more 16:00 - 17:30 349 (Workshop) openSUSE
Host your visual assets with Identihub
Setting up your project and manage those SVG's
presented by Elio Qoshi
Identihub is the first Open Source visual assets management software which can also be self-hosted. Identihub can host icons, logos, photos, fonts and colors on a single page, making it easy to share them with other people, eliminating the need to send .zip fles back and forth with a specific resolution. This makes the collaboration between designers and non-designers easier, as they don't need...
more 16:00 - 17:30 350 (Workshop) Open Source
Kexec/Kdump under the hood
A look on the internals on arm64
presented by Matthias Brugger
Kdump is a vital tool for debugging severe kernel crashes, especially if the failure can't be reproduced easily or an direct access to the system is not possible.
When an sever error happens in the kernel, a new crash kernel get loaded which saves the memory of the crashed system. These dump can be used to analyze the state of the machine and hopefully give insights on what has happened.
more 16:00 - 16:45 107 (Small) Open Source
osc - What's new and best practices
Things you may have missed
presented by Marco Strigl
Many of us use osc on a daily base. This talk will be about new features in osc, plugins and best practices. At the end I will provide a small outlook what new features are planned.
16:00 - 16:45 105 (Main) openSUSE
Managing OpenSUSE with SaltStack
Controlling Chaos with Event-Driven Automation
presented by Mike Place
Systems management in the era of containerization and hybrid clouds can challenge even the most seasoned professional. In this session, we'll learn how to control the chaos by bringing disciplined automation practices to the rescue. Presented by the principal maintainer of the SaltStack project -- one of the largest and most active open-source communities in the world -- we'll learn how to use ...
more 16:00 - 16:45 155 (Medium) Cloud and Containers
building openSUSE with GCC's link time optimization
smaller & faster binaries
presented by Jan Hubička
Link time optimization (LTO) extends scope of compiler optimizations to whole program or DSO. We present some data on pros & cons of using LTO to build openSUSE distribution by default. This is joint with with Martin Liška and Martin Jambor.
17:00 - 17:45 105 (Main) openSUSE
Privacy and Safe online communicationOnline Security
presented by Mijanur
Privacy & Security is a buzz word this 21st century and Cyber security is very important issue. Privacy is mainly defined as a human value consisting of 4 rights: solitude, anonymity, intimacy and reserve. There are many things we can do online from entertaining ourselves all the way up to completing business transactions or any other important things. While the internet allows many people to d...
more 17:00 - 17:45 107 (Small) Open Source
Atomic Bonds: openSUSE Kubic & SUSE CaaSP
openSUSE & SUSE exploring the container world
presented by Richard Brown
The Kubic Project is an exciting new part of the openSUSE family. This talk will provide a brief introduction of the Project and how it focuses on container technologies such as the Docker & Podman runtimes, Kubernetes, Transactional (Atomic) Operating System updates, and much more.
The session will then go into detail how Kubic provides the base for SUSE's Container as a Service Platform (C...
more 17:00 - 17:45 155 (Medium) Cloud and Containers
After Party, Release Party
presented by Douglas DeMaio
Join us for the After Party at the openSUSE Conference
18:00 - 21:00 105 (Main)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
presented by Douglas DeMaio
Come visit the booths and do some Retro gaming.
Visit the booths of SUSE, arm, ownCloud, MySQL and TUXEDOComputers.
RetroHerna's collection of video game consoles and computers covers fifty years of video game industry's development.
By bringing authentic hardware to festivals and conferences, RetroHerna offers an authentic display of video games of the 20th century. Re-live you...
more 10:00 - 17:00 Main Lobby (open space)
The Current EU Copyright Reform Proposal: The End of FLOSS in Europe?
presented by Giannis Konstantinidis
The current EU Copyright Reform proposal puts pressure on platforms to monitor and filter all content, including uploaded free and open-source software, for copyright infringement (Article 13), proposes a new 20-year license for news snippets (Article 11), and limits who can access datasets -- including open data (Article 3). Any of these would be terrible outcomes. Let's demand better copyrigh...
more 10:00 - 10:30 155 (Medium) Open Source
Plně šifrovaný disk na moderním systému
presented by Tomáš Chvátal
Šifrování pevného disku je dnes běžná záležitost, šifrovat ale úplně celý disk je vždycky trochu oříšek. V přednášce si předvedeme, jak nastavit takové šifrování, které bude zároveň uživatelsky přívětivé i rozumně bezpečné. Použijeme přitom tyto ingredience: Btrfs, LVM, LUKS, GRUB, UEFI secure boot.
Presenter: Ondřej Caletka
10:00 - 10:45 107 (Small) Open Source
GNU Health on openSUSE - a community view
Insights into a global, diverse and friendly community
presented by Axel Braun
GNU Health is a community driven project. There is a wide spread variety of users that run GNU Health in different scenarios. And there is a community of 'makers', that build the software and brings it to its users.
This presentation will put some light into both communities. For the first time we have collected the end users, and will present some statistics around that.
And for you, th...
more 10:00 - 10:45 105 (Main) openSUSE
Container and VM Building OBS Workshop
How to create your own Images for Cloud or Containers and being able to maintain them
presented by Adrian Schröter
Getting an overview what kinds of containers and images can be built in OBS and how to do it.
It will start with a brief talk about the different formats, the OBS specials when building containers or images. This will cover Cloud, Desktop and Server centric formats. I will also show how a fully automated chain from git commits to image and container builds (with and without packages in bet...
more 10:30 - 12:00 349 (Workshop) Cloud and Containers
The GNU Health : Free Software technology improving Public Healthcare around the world
GNU Health uses Free/Libre, state-of-the-art technology to deliver Freedom and Equity in Healthcare
presented by Luis Falcon
GNU Health is a social project that provides a community-based, Free/Libre Health and Hospital Information System deployed in many countries around the globe. GNU Health combines Social Medicine and Primary healthcare principles with state of the art advances in bioinformatics and precision medicine, delivering a valuable framework for governments and Public Health institutions, as well as for ...
more 10:45 - 11:30 105 (Main) Open Source
Making the LSM available to containers
stacking and namespacing the LSM
presented by John Johansen
Containers would like to be able to make use of Linux Security Modules (LSMs), from providing more complete system virtualization to improving container confinement. To date containers access to the LSM has been limited but there has been work to change the situation.
This presentation will discuss the current state of LSM stacking and namespacing. The work being done on various security mod...
more 10:45 - 11:15 155 (Medium) Open Source
Security Retrospective of the last year
Not just Meltdown and Spectre
presented by Marcus Meissner
Last year was a quite busy year on the security front, various big issues happened, so its good to tell what security has done there and is doing for openSUSE and SUSE in general here.
The talk will give a brief overview of how the SUSE Security Team works and operates. We will look at the reactive work including statistics, and also look at proactive secure development lifecycle activit...
more 11:00 - 11:45 107 (Small) Open Source
Meet Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
presented by Julio González Gil
Learn an easy way of keeping your systems configured and up-to-date via opensource tooling, even for huge infrastructures.
11:30 - 12:15 105 (Main) Open Source
Mycroft: A.I. in the desktop
Control your desktop with your voice
presented by Antonio Larrosa
Mycroft is an open source virtual assistant similar to the ones provided on phones by some companies. It provides some interesting functionality, it's open source, it's easily expanded with new functionality and it's fun. During the last hackweek, I packaged it so it's easy to install on Tumbleweed and in this talk I'll try to show how it works, the changes I did to it in order to package it an...
more 11:30 - 12:00 155 (Medium) Desktop and Applications
Group Photo
presented by Douglas DeMaio
Gather out front for a group photo
12:15 - 12:30 155 (Medium)
Group photo
presented by Douglas DeMaio
Gather out front for a group photo
12:15 - 12:30 107 (Small)
Group photo
presented by Douglas DeMaio
Gather out front for a group photo
12:15 - 12:30 105 (Main)
Fleet Commander: The efficient way of managing the Desktop profiles of your fleet!
A brief description of the project and its internals!
presented by Fabiano Fidêncio
This talk will go through what Fleet Commander is (and, consequently, what Fleet Commander is not intended for), which are the solutions proposed by the project, how Fleet Commander interacts with SSSD and freeIPA and, plans for the future and finally provide a Demo of the current state of the project.
The talk will be divided basically in 4 parts:
1) Describing what Fleet Commander is (a...
more 12:30 - 13:00 155 (Medium) Desktop and Applications
Tumbleweed Snapshots: Rolling With You
The missing link between fixed and rolling releases
presented by Jimmy Berry
Tumbleweed, being a rolling distribution, is constantly changing and packages are constantly being rebuilt against one another and updating requirements. As such it becomes necessary to update even when undesirable. For example, one is running snapshot 17 and the next day snapshot 18 contains a QT update that rebuilt a large number of packages. When attempting to install an application that dep...
more 13:00 - 13:45 105 (Main) openSUSE
Introduction to TLS 1.3
presented by vitezslav_cizek
TLS 1.3 is the brand new version of the SSL/TLS protocol. The draft of the standard was recently approved by IETF and it will be published as RFC in a couple of months.
TLS 1.3 is a big redesign of the protocol which brings substantial changes such as better security or handshake speed-up.
The talk will present its new features as well as compare the new protocol to the previous versions...
more 13:00 - 13:45 107 (Small) Open Source
DevOps for GNOME with Flatpak
And how we improved our contributors experience and exposure of the happenings of GNOME
presented by Carlos Soriano
As probably you might know, GNOME hasn't been the most updated in technologies & processes used for the design, development, testing, QA, delivery loop. To be honest, we have been quite behind!
Build fails, not passing tests, contributors stuck with trivial details, each product with different released days, designers and QA in need to build the whole stack to try out a minimal UI change... ...
more 13:00 - 13:30 155 (Medium) Desktop and Applications
Do good things - and talk about it!
PR for Open Source Projects
presented by Markus Feilner
Lessons learnt in 20 years of Open Source PR.
This hands-on session will tell, teach and train community contributors, developers, open source project leads, etc. how to deal with the press. Get an explanation of basic terms like "kitchen call", "elevator pitch", "nutgraphs", "leads", "venn diagrams", and see how to build a decent project description and a working project website.
Learn h...
more 13:00 - 16:00 350 (Workshop) Open Source
Professional Video Recording with openSUSE
A pratical review of the openSUSE video stack
presented by Daniel Molkentin
Ever since the openSUSE conference in 2016, openSUSE has its own professional, yet software driven set of hardware. However, we are not yet self-hosted on openSUSE, owed to various issues ranging from missing packages to legal issues. We also rely on YouTube rather than promoting free, self-hosted video portals.
In this workshop, we will lay out the current situation, assess the required wo...
more 14:00 - 15:30 349 (Workshop) openSUSE
Let's talk about containers and security
presented by Tomáš Chvátal
Containers are becoming more and more popular way how we develop and deploy applications. We trust them to protect our applications, but do we understand how they security model works? How they're isolated and sand-boxed? Let's look at all the pieces in Linux which are there to isolate and support containers security. We will then continue with overview what every deployment pipeline should per...
more 14:00 - 14:45 107 (Small) Open Source
What Storage-ng will bring and what else do YOU want?
Help us to shape the future of YaST
presented by Ancor González Sosa
As many openSUSE users may know, two of the most important YaST components, libstorage and yast2-storage, were recently rewritten from scratch in order to ease the maintenance and to be prepared for whatever the future brings. Now we have a solid base to adapt the current behavior without compromising the existing supported scenarios and to implement new and shiny features.
During this prese...
more 14:00 - 14:45 105 (Main) openSUSE
Saltboot - Salt managed PXE boot
presented by Ondrej Holecek
In the time of clouds and virtual computing it seems, there is no longer space for a large real-hardware-based OS deployments. But what schools use in their classrooms? What is beneath ATMs, info kiosks, cash registers? For there devices real network OS deployment is still crucial. This talk is about exactly that. Well known network PXE boot, but upgraded with Salt, a modern configuration mana...
more 14:00 - 14:45 155 (Medium) Open Source
New YaST storage stack: technical overview
presented by José Iván López González
YaST comes with a brand new storage stack. The packages libstorage and yast2-storage have been replaced by the new libstorage-ng and yast2-storage-ng. YaST team has put a lot effort on having its new storage ready for openSUSE Leap 15 (and SUSE SLE 15), and now it is time to present how it works. In this presentation we will explain storage-ng from a technical point of view. For example, we wil...
more 15:00 - 15:30 105 (Main) openSUSE
Transactional Updates - deep dive
How to update your systems without breaking them
presented by Ignaz Forster
With the release of Leap 15 the new system role called "Transactional Server" will be available during the installation, so this is the perfect opportunity to have a look at the concept behind it and how to work with such a system in practice.
In this talk we will have a look at transactional-updates from different angles: * The basic concepts behind transactional-update * How to use the T...
more 15:00 - 15:30 155 (Medium) Open Source
The new EU CyberSecurity Act
Or how to prevent the EU from becoming the worlds largest botnet honeypot
presented by Hans de Raad
Fibre to the home opens numerous interesting possibilities for both bona-fide and not so bona-fide use cases. Having your espresso machine or refrigerator being part of a multi-million device botnet which is attacking critical infrastructure might not necessarily be your first association when zipping your early morning caffeine fix. Not only might this notion be somewhat disruptive for your ...
more 15:00 - 15:45 107 (Small) Open Source
Let's Talk about (openSUSE Leap) Kernels
presented by Takashi Iwai
With openSUSE Leap, we've tried a new management model based on SLE. The same is true for the kernel, one of the most "core" packages in the whole distribution. However, in the case of kernels, a story is a bit different from others.
In this talk, we'll take a look back at the history of openSUSE Leap kernel developments and maintenance from Leap 42.1 to 42.3, covering briefly about the co...
more 15:30 - 16:00 105 (Main) openSUSE
btrfs is awesome, except when it isn't
How to fix a broken btrfs filesystem
presented by Richard Brown
I love btrfs, I think btrfs is the best filesystem ever.
But like all software, it's not absolutely 100% perfect all of the time.
This lightning talk will help tell you what to do when it all goes wrong :)
15:30 - 15:45 155 (Medium) Open Source
Introduction to openSUSE/Linux
presented by Martin Pluskal
- introdcution to openSUSE/linux
- example/help with installation
- openSUSE specifics and benefits
- how/where to get help (mailing lists/forums)

Role certifikátu při zabezpečení šifrovaného spojení
presented by Tomáš Chvátal
Šifrování se stává stále běžnějším a dostupnějším, většina navštěvovaných webů dnes má HTTPS. Neodmyslitelnou součástí dobře navrženého šifrování je také autentizace. V případě TLS se o ni starají certifikáty. Co to přesně certifikát je, jaká je jeho role a co všechno v něm najdeme?
Presenter: Petr Krčmář
16:00 - 16:45 107 (Small) Open Source
Learn how to add functionality to the MySQL server: a guided tour
Hack on the MySQL code for fun and profit !
presented by Georgi Kodinov
Ever wanted to learn how to add this little piece of functionality that you're missing in MySQL but the codebase seems large and thus intimidating ? Then this talk is for you: we'll enumerate the ways to extend and alter MySQL functionality and will get you started on hacking on the codebase: what the layout is like and where to fund stuff and documentation to support you. We will also revie...
more 16:00 - 16:45 155 (Medium) Open Source
Roadrunner: Securing services with LetsEncrypt
Why you should no longer be afraid of using TLS
presented by Daniel Molkentin
While the need for encrypted web sites has been sufficiently motivated by countless revelations on state sponsored surveillance or malevolent ISPs, acquiring a LetsEncrypt certificate used to be a tiresome business, and usually certificates broke anyway.
openSUSE Leap 15 will be the first long term distribution to provide automated certificate requests and renewals thanks to dehydrated, whic...
more 16:00 - 16:45 105 (Main) openSUSE
SUSE Package Hub - Community packages for Enterprise Users
presented by Wolfgang Engel
SUSE Package Hub [1] provides open source packages to Enterprise Users by the Community. This talk shows the current status of this project, explains how to contribute and what might be next.
16:45 - 17:15 155 (Medium) Open Source
AppArmor 3 and beyond
riding the Tumbleweed
presented by John Johansen
There are several changes coming with the release of AppArmor 3. This talk will cover the changes that AppArmor 3 will bring and how the changes will affect policy and confinement. It will cover policy versioning, local vs pre-shipped read-only policy text, improvements in AppArmor policy namespaces, fine grained network and d-bus mediation as well as IMA integration.
16:45 - 17:15 105 (Main) openSUSE
Bezpečné doručení distribučních balíčků
presented by Tomáš Chvátal
Většina linuxových distribucí distribuuje software ve formě binárních balíčků. Ty jsou připraveny na serverech distribuce a uživatelé si je stahují přes internet do svých počítačů. Pokud se útočníkovi podaří do balíčků dostat malware tak může jednoduše ovládnout velké množství zařízení.
V této prezentaci se dozvíte jak může takový útok být veden a jak se distribuce proti těmto útokům chrání....
more 17:00 - 17:30 107 (Small) Open Source
We ❤ talks and beer, specially together!
presented by Ana Maria Martinez Gomez
If there is something we like at openSUSE that is talks and beer, and this time we want to combine them. We are going to to have a session with lightning talks, short talks of 5 minutes maximum each, where there is only one rule: The speaker muss always hold a beer while giving the presentation.
Everybody can submit a proposal. Do not matter if you are already an experienced openSUSE contri...
more 17:15 - 18:30 105 (Main) openSUSE
Cryptofest lightning talks
presented by Tomáš Chvátal
17:30 - 18:00 107 (Small) Open Source
CryptoFest PGP Key Signing Party
presented by Douglas DeMaio
Info is for the KSP is on Located in the main lobby before rooms 105/155
18:30 - 21:30 Main Lobby (open space)
Booths and Retro Gaming in the Main Lobby
presented by Douglas DeMaio
Come visit the booths and do some Retro gaming.
Visit the booths of SUSE, arm, ownCloud, MySQL and TUXEDOComputers.
RetroHerna's collection of video game consoles and computers covers fifty years of video game industry's development.
By bringing authentic hardware to festivals and conferences, RetroHerna offers an authentic display of video games of the 20th century. Re-live you...
more 10:00 - 17:00 Main Lobby (open space)
30 seconds to Code
Streamlining development setups with Docker and Open Build Service
presented by Ralf Lang
Creating development setups can be tedious, error-prone and quite horrifying to novice contributors of Open Source projects. You would set up a virtual machine, install the required software and spend quite some time configuring it. On top of this, your setup would require maintenance and updates. A more modern approach is featured in this talk: Create a reproducible environment, have automat...
more 10:00 - 10:30 155 (Medium) Cloud and Containers
What's new in OBS?
Latest new features and how to use them
presented by David Kang
Open Build Service (OBS) development has increased in an exponential way.
David will briefly explain the evolution of the OBS frontend in the last year, and also some of the awesome features that have been included recently. Kiwi Editor, Cloud Uploader features that are already available will not be the only ones we will talk about. Adrian will talk about the new OBS backend features as Do...
more 10:00 - 10:45 105 (Main) openSUSE
Cross-compilers for lizards, two years later
Improving the microcontroller tooling
presented by Andreas Färber
A few years ago we started adding cross-compiler packages to Tumbleweed, based on our maintained GCC packages. There have been two recent toolchain additions, more are still in the works, and several challenges remain - such as on our end Leap and PackageHub.
10:30 - 11:00 155 (Medium) Embedded Systems
Fantastic Arm boards and how to use them
News on hardware and Spectre
presented by Andreas Färber
Following up on last year's talk ( I intend to give an update on hardware support in openSUSE and software support for new boards. This will include an update on Meltdown/Spectre mitigations and what users need to take care of.
11:00 - 11:45 155 (Medium) Embedded Systems
Rethinking openSUSE release tooling and the build service
Simplify, improve, and increase transparency
presented by Jimmy Berry
Over the last year I have completed a large amount of work on the tools integral to the openSUSE release process and as such have become familiar with the scope, workflow, and general problems involved. After mulling over these general shortcomings it becomes clear that taking a step back and rethinking some core concepts such as the build service and the way the release tools interact with it ...
more 11:00 - 11:45 105 (Main) openSUSE
Your first steps with openSUSE Kubic
Practical information on how to get started with openSUSE Kubic to host your containers
presented by Paul Gonin
Curious about openSUSE Kubic and using it for running your containers workloads ? I will introduce the various way to deploy openSUSE Kubic and explain how to get started with systems operations and containers management.
From scratch to fully running containers in 45 minutes :)
12:45 - 13:30 105 (Main) Cloud and Containers
Making open source routers
presented by Michal Hrušecký
At CZ.NIC, we are making open source routers. Those come with automatic updates, plenty of software available in repositories, root ssh account and other nice features. What challenges does it bring? How do we cope with them? Why would you want open source router anyway? What open source project are we building on top? And what actually spinned off out of our router?
12:45 - 13:30 155 (Medium) Embedded Systems
Let's play with Uyuni: A complete opensource solution to keep multiple GNU/Linux systems configured and up-to-date
presented by Julio González Gil
On Saturday, at 11.30, we presented Uyuni, the public developed SUSE Manager.
Let's now discover how easy is keeping your systems configured and up-to-date via Uyuni even for huge infrastructures.
This will be a live sessions where you will be using your laptop, and for that you will need:
- A laptop with at least 5GB of free RAM after booting (we STRONGLY suggest 6GB free) and 80GB of...

Let's Fine Tune The Wiki for Leap 15
presented by Douglas DeMaio
As openSUSE Leap 15 is expected to be released around the openSUSE Conference, lets take some time to fine tune the wiki for it! The new portal could have some gaps that we will want to fill in at The workshop will focus on adding additional features for users, sysadmins and developers. We can add additional screenshots and tidy up some of the missing aspects...
more 13:00 - 14:30 349 (Workshop)
Behind the scenes of the OBS team
Tools, processes and procedures used by the OBS team
presented by Christian Bruckmayer
If you ever wondered how the OBS gets developed, this talk will provide some insights into how the OBS development works including tools we use (e.g. depfu, hakiri, codecov) and workflows we follow (e.g. Scrum).
OBS developers have also changed a lot in the last time. The OBS frontend team has doubled its size within the last 2 years. We will explain how we brought everyone up to speed with ...
more 13:45 - 14:15 155 (Medium) openSUSE
kanku - Bridging the gap between OBS and developers
A convenient way to work with your OBS built images
presented by Frank Schreiner
kanku is designed to give you a better integration of your kiwi images built in Open Build Service (OBS) into your development and testing workflow.
It provides a framework for simple automation of complex setups, e.g. to prepare your development environment or run simple tests.
This talk will give an overview of the motivation/goals and basic concepts/architecture of kanku.
Links: ...
more 13:45 - 14:30 105 (Main) Open Source
DJ Geeko spinning digital vinyls (Not Recorded)
Setting up a FOSS digital vinyl system
presented by Theo Chatzimichos
A musical presentation about vinyls, digital music formats and the combination of those two: the digital vinyl system, the best of the analog and digital worlds. Bonus: There will be a live demonstration of a digital vinyl system powered by the free and open source software mixxx, running on openSUSE. This presentation will not be recorded.
14:45 - 15:30 155 (Medium) Desktop and Applications
Developing SLE, Factory and Leap distributions at the same time, impossible ?
openSUSE / SUSE example: Tumbleweed / Leap and SLE
presented by Frederic Crozat
Starting with openSUSE Leap 42.2, a lot of cooperation has been done to bridge gaps between openSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise distributions. Things have been improving nicely with openSUSE Leap 42.3.
We'll go into details on what this cooperation means for both openSUSE contributors and for SUSE and how we ensure it takes place. We will also discuss how we adjusted SLE15 development and ho...
more 14:45 - 15:30 105 (Main) openSUSE
Annual Discussion with openSUSE Board
presented by Douglas DeMaio
The openSUSE Board (Richard Brown, Gertjan Lettink, Christian Boltz, Sarah Julia Kriesch, Ana María Martínez Gómez and Simon Lees) will present the outcome of their last F2F meeting, where they started driving its collective agenda for the next year.
After that, everybody is welcome to ask questions, give feedback, make suggestions and present ideas.
15:30 - 16:15 105 (Main)
openSUSE Unconference
presented by Douglas DeMaio
We will have an openSUSE Unconference on Sunday, May 27, in room 107. Talks can be submitted during the conference.