Program for openSUSE.Asia Summit 2024

Fuminobu  Takeyama

Opening: Welcome to openSUSE.Asia Summit 2024

presented by Fuminobu Takeyama

To be announced later.

10:00 - 10:15 Room A openSUSE

Keynote SHIFT

To be announced later.

10:15 - 10:35 Room A
Simon Lees

What is openSUSE?
and how does it help SUSE and its Partners?

presented by Simon Lees

This session will provide an introduction to the openSUSE Project. It will include details about how the openSUSE community works in close relationship with SUSE to provide benefits to both openSUSE's users and SUSE's Partners.

The Session will cover the following topics: * The openSUSE Community * openSUSE's Linux Distributions * openSUSE's Other Projects * How openSUSE helps SUSE a...


10:35 - 10:55 Room A openSUSE
Douglas DeMaio Patrick Fitzgerald

An update from the Geeko Foundation

presented by Douglas DeMaio, Patrick Fitzgerald

This talk will provide attendees with a comprehensive update on the Geeko Foundation, detailing the funding it has received, how these funds have been utilized, and the progress being made on behalf of its members. Attendees will gain insights into various aspects of the foundation’s financial management, from travel support and sponsorships to fundraising efforts and the...


10:55 - 11:15 Room A openSUSE

openSUSE leap Micro as KVM and Container platform

presented by hnakao

As post VMware, markets are looking for new VM and container platform. Open Source is a "Open". A proprietary product has a risk like Broadcom issue. Leap Micro makes sense as a platform for them.

11:15 - 11:35 Room A openSUSE

Status of CJK language support and activities in LibreOffice 2024

presented by Shinji_Enoki

Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK) users need different features than other languages. Language and culture dependent features and usage are important for productivity software such as LibreOffice.

This talk will introduce some recent problems encountered in the CJK user environment of LibreOffice and how to improve issues. Patterns of CJK language specific problems can be common across differ...


11:45 - 12:25 Room B Cross Distro
Douglas DeMaio

Moving Forward with Leap 16
A look into the future

presented by Douglas DeMaio

Max and/or Doug will provide an update on Leap 16. The openSUSE release team has confirmed that there will be a successor to Leap 15, marking a significant numerical leap forward. Many users are using Leap 15.6, but the anticipation for Leap 16 is already building. This new version will be based on SUSE’s Adaptable Linux Platform (ALP) codebase, blending the advanced features of an enterprise s...


11:45 - 12:05 Room A openSUSE

We are openSUSE.Asia Summit
We are openSUSE.Asia Summit

presented by Sunny

openSUSE.Asia summit started from 2014, and we will have the 10th openSUSE.Asia Summit in 2024. It will be pleasure to review the journey we went together in the past 10 years, and to share the memorable experience and achievement. As one of founders of the summit, I am eager to present what is openSUSE.Asia Summit, how the summit started, how we make it run under Asian culture, what is the hig...


12:05 - 12:25 Room A openSUSE
Johannes Segitz

*sing* %post and %pre and securiteeee
How to not get CVEs assigned when using rpm scriptlets

presented by Johannes Segitz

The SUSE security team often finds security issues specific to the rpm packaging of applications. This talk show you some of the findings and will give you recommendations on how to avoid creating CVEs while packaging software.

This will be interesting to you if you're a packager and use %post or similar scriptlets in your packaging. Unfortunately it's quite easy to cause security issues whi...


13:30 - 14:10 Room C openSUSE
Nikita Tripathi

Penpot: the open-source face of UI-UX
The bet on open standards in the competitive UI/UX design software landscape.

presented by Nikita Tripathi


After the interface design world moved from Adobe to Sketch to Figma, Penpot joined the party in 2019 and changed the proprietary perspective into open source software.

This talk will explore how Penpot came into being, its competitive analysis with emerging UI/UX design applications, and what can be expected from it in the future. We will also present a brief into open standa...


13:30 - 14:10 Room B Cross Distro
Simon Lees StevenK

A simple quick introduction to packaging for openSUSE

presented by Simon Lees, StevenK

This talk doesn't aim to teach you everything about packaging, but mostly tries to expose you to the basic concepts. It will also try to show what is possible so that if you'd like to package something yourself you will have a good starting point as a reference.

Firstly we will look at the question of "What is Packaging" and what does it involve. Then we will start to look into openSUSE's to...


13:30 - 14:10 Room A openSUSE
Shung-Hsi Yu

Getting Your Customized openSUSE Kernel on OBS
How to Maintaining a Linux Kernel Package on openSUSE's Open Build Service

presented by Shung-Hsi Yu

While the Linux Kernel package provided by openSUSE covers a wide range of use-cases, it may not always serve everyone's need. Maybe you need an extra kernel configuration option enabled to access an older hardware, or maybe there's specific tuning that can't be done otherwise. However, building your own kernel on every update is a tiresome thing to do, and build it once then never update again...


14:15 - 14:55 Room A openSUSE

English to Japanese Translation - Overcoming the Differences in Language Structure

presented by ribbon

The fact that an open source product is available in the user's native language increases the user's convenience. This increases the usage of localized products.

The speaker has been involved in translating open source products for over 20 years. In the past, translation was done by pulling up a dictionary made of physical paper, but now a better environment is provided. In particular, the p...


14:15 - 14:35 Room B openSUSE
DaeHyun Sung

My FLOSS project contributions and promotions experience in South Korea
It's hard to promote a FLOSS project that you can't find a reason to use

presented by DaeHyun Sung

Currently, I'm a full-time worker(Developer) in South Korea.

In this talk, I explain my personal contribution and promote FLOSS projects experience(such as LibreOffice, openSUSE).

I also explain my CJK contribution experience on GNOME, KDE, and LibreOffice (such as KDE kcharselect, GNOME gucharmap, GNOME characters, LibreOffice, etc.)

I am interested in the Ideographs(漢字/汉字, Chinese Ch...


14:15 - 14:35 Room C openSUSE
Roxanne Wu

Birth of a New Balance Cart
An openSUSE Experiment

presented by Roxanne Wu

Roxy is a 10th grader who has recently been introduced to the open-source world through the exhilarating SUSE Student Mentor program. In this talk, she will share her story with mentoring program, how she collaborated with her mentor to accomplish a self-balance two-wheel electric car project from scratch.

The SUSE Student Mentor program aims to encourage students and youngsters to join vari...


14:35 - 14:55 Room C openSUSE
Norimitsu Sugimoto

How I met the Debian JP study session and the openSUSE developer community in Japan.
Through Debian JP study sessions

presented by Norimitsu Sugimoto

The Debian Project is a "community" that develops an "operating system." The Debian Project has local communities in each country, and in Japan the "Debian JP Project" is active as a local community. The Debian JP Project holds study sessions every month to train contributors.

I will talk about how I came to collaborate with the openSUSE developer community in Japan through these study sess...


14:35 - 14:55 Room B Cross Distro
Yuma Ohgami

The OS Theory and Design Based on Biological Concepts
An Introduction to My Personal Interest-Based OS Development Projects

presented by Yuma Ohgami

I like OS. And I'm creating my own OS. Uniqueness is important for it. A typical OS provides abstract concepts like "files" and "processes". How about the OS that isn't based on these concepts? I think that would be unique. So, I use the concept of "organisms". I named the OS based on this concept "DaisyOS". In a typical OS, an executable program exists as an executable file. And when it is exe...


15:00 - 15:20 Room A Cross Distro
Faris Ahza Bakhtiar

Why Blender is Potential to Learn Nowadays

presented by Faris Ahza Bakhtiar


These days, the potential for work in the creative fields has developed rapidly and is in great demand. People are working just by easily make images or videos. Could be in architecture fields, promotions, or animations, but of course, arts. But to learn those, we will need to get some expensive tools to be used to work. So, if you are interested in learning and working in crea...


15:00 - 15:20 Room C Cross Distro
Masahiko Hashimoto

The concept of developing a new kana-kanji conversion method in the era of LLM

presented by Masahiko Hashimoto

Currently, ibus-mozc is used as the default kana-kanji conversion method in openSUSE. However, although the mozc dictionary has been updated to the latest version, the conversion algorithm has not been updated for over 10 years. Currently, LLM is the mainstream in NLP, so shouldn't OSS kana-kanji conversion methods follow suit? Shouldn't we explore new kana-kanji conversion methods that utilize...


15:00 - 15:20 Room B openSUSE
Giovanni Gherdovich

How to create a kernel scheduler in openSUSE
Using the Extensible Scheduler framework

presented by Giovanni Gherdovich

Your computer has many CPUs, but it has even more programs to run! The kernel scheduler is like a traffic police officer at the Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo, making sure all pedestrians and cars can safely and efficiently advance towards their destination. The kernel scheduler tells execution threads on which CPU they'll run, when to start and when to stop.

We will learn **what are the cons...


15:45 - 16:25 Room A openSUSE

Edge IoT system with NVIDIA Jetson managed by Rancher
Edge IoT Hardships and Conveniences

presented by YANO.Tetsurou

Edge IoT system with NVIDIA Jetson managed by Rancher

Stylez Inc. has provided a variety of solutions using Rancher.
Among them, we support the edge AI system for the Japanese manufacturing industry with our parent company Ryoyo Electro.
We focus on using NVIDIA Jetson for edge devices and a camera system for product inspection, running on Kubernetes and managed by Rancher.

This p...


15:45 - 16:25 Room B openSUSE
Rudraksh Karpe satyampsoni

Deploying Containerized AI/ML Workloads Across Edge-Core-Cloud with openSUSE

presented by Rudraksh Karpe, satyampsoni

Deploying containerized AI/ML workloads across edge, core, and cloud infrastructures is crucial for optimizing data processing, enhancing performance, and managing complex computations efficiently. This talk highlights our practical experience from the Analytics Edge Ecosystem project during Google Summer of Code 2024, demonstrating how openSUSE Leap can be leveraged to ...


16:30 - 17:10 Room A openSUSE
Ram Mohan Rao Chukka

Who broke the build? — Using Kuttl to improve E2E testing and release faster

presented by Ram Mohan Rao Chukka

No one wants to be responsible for breaking the build. But what can you do as a developer to avoid being the bad guy? How can project leads enable their teams to reduce the occurrence of broken builds? In talking within our own teams, we discovered that many developers weren’t running sufficient integration and End to End tests in their local environments because it’s too difficult to set up a...


16:30 - 17:10 Room B openSUSE

The next critical vulnerability of the automotive industry (and beyond)
Effects of the supply chain attacks in the real world

presented by internationalKernel

Nowadays, our lives are more connected than ever before. Our vehicles, relationships, medical history, and essentially our entire life can be accessed from anywhere in the world. Unfortunately, many people overlook that some components of this connected world exist in the physical realm. An average vehicle weighs between 1.5 and 2 tonnes - what could go wrong if an attacker gained control over ...


17:15 - 17:55 Room B Cross Distro
Brian Clemens

Rocky Linux
An introduction to Rocky Linux and the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation

presented by Brian Clemens

Rocky Linux logo


In this talk, I will give a general introduction of Rocky Linux, with context for those not familiar with Enterprise Linux. Being that that is an OpenSUSE conference, I will highlight the Rocky Linux project’s us...


17:15 - 17:55 Room A Cross Distro
Fuminobu  Takeyama

Day 2 Opening

presented by Fuminobu Takeyama

  • Announcement
  • Introduction of sponsors

10:00 - 10:15 Room A Cross Distro
Luna D Dragon

A Introduction to Cockpit
what is cockpit? what role will it play and how does it affect you?

presented by Luna D Dragon

Cockpit has been part of Opensuse micro since it's inception and in the future will be a big part of Opensuse leap 16. I'll be talking about what cockpit is. There will be a live demo, with an overview of the many of the components including but not limited storage and cockpit-podman. We'll dive into how it works and look into a high level overview of the internals of cockpit. Using this overvi...


10:15 - 10:55 Room A openSUSE
Alfonso Hernandez

Midori Browser & AstianGO a privacy ecosystem on OpenSUSE
OpenSUSE more than a distro a partner

presented by Alfonso Hernandez

Midori is a famous browser that over time has evolved and taken a focus on privacy, offering DNS browsing, VPN browsing, private browsing and more. AstianGO is an independent search engine that uses its own index, does not keep logs, does not track users and does not sell information to third parties, but the protagonists are not these projects, the protagonist is the infrastructure, everything...


10:15 - 10:55 Room B openSUSE

Building up open source communities-Case Study GNOME and CHAOSS community

presented by KristiProgri

For open-source organizations, the community is a powerful tool. It helps to reach out to developers and other stakeholders vital for the project’s growth. The community enables public awareness, and it’s the spirit of the community that makes such projects successful and always updated. In this presentation, I will emphasize the best ways and tools you can use to adopt certain criteria and fig...


11:00 - 11:40 Room B Cross Distro
Yuki Otsuka

Overview of Package Management in openSUSE MicroOS

presented by Yuki Otsuka

Yuki Otsuka will provide an overview of the transactional-update mechanism that is enabled by default in openSUSE MicroOS. In his speak, he will explain what makes MicroOS's updates atomic through the use of transactional-update, utilizing tools like tukit and snapper. He will delve into how these components, in conjunction with the btrfs file system, collaborate to deliver atomic updates. Addi...


11:00 - 11:40 Room A openSUSE
Mitsuya Shibata

20th anniversarry of Ubuntu and 20 years of Desktop Linux

presented by Mitsuya Shibata

It has been 20 years since Ubuntu was introduced in 2004. During these two decades, the adoption of Linux in the desktop field has become more active, and nowadays many users use Linux regularly not only on servers but also on desktops.

For example, according to StatCounter, the share of Desktop Linux, which was 0.64% in January 2009, grew to 4.44% in July 2024, an approximately 8 times in...


11:45 - 12:25 Room A Cross Distro
Max Huang

NeuVector quick install with HELM and GKE

presented by Max Huang

NeuVector is a cutting-edge cloud-native security platform designed to protect your containerized applications from a wide range of threats. By providing robust runtime protection, compliance management, and vulnerability scanning, NeuVector ensures the security and integrity of your Kubernetes and cloud-native environments. GKE is a fully managed Kubernetes service provided by Google Cloud Pl...


11:45 - 12:25 Room C openSUSE
M. Edwin Zakaria

Managing Community Mirror
Status of openSUSE Indonesia Community Mirror

presented by M. Edwin Zakaria

Mirror is one of the key success of distributing openSUSE to the user. Availability of the mirror play an important role in the life cycle of a distribution. Indonesia has quite a number of openSUSE users and installations, our Telegram group member is around 1200 as of July 2024.

Before the Indonesia community had its own mirror, usually iso download and update traffic would be directed to ...


11:45 - 12:05 Room B openSUSE
Shobha Tyagi

SUSE Manager features that make IT Infrastructure Management easier
Taught to students specializing in Cloud Computing in our college

presented by Shobha Tyagi

Keeping IT infrastructure stable, secure, and compliant in a variety of settings is a difficult undertaking for IT managers, particularly in light of the growing popularity of cloud computing, virtualization, and containerization. This is where SUSE Manager comes into play, providing an all-inclusive IT infrastructure management solution.The top SUSE Manager features and capabilities that make ...


12:05 - 12:25 Room B openSUSE
Yang Peng

The preview of Deepin Desktop Environment v23 for openSUSE

presented by Yang Peng

The Deepin Desktop Environment (DDE) is the desktop environment of the deepin Linux distribution. It is designed by the Wuhan Deepin Technology Co.,Ltd. deepin is a Linux distribution devoted to providing a beautiful, easy to use, safe and reliable system for global users. deepin is an open source GNU/Linux operating system, based on Linux kernel and mainly on desktop applications, supporting l...


13:30 - 14:10 Room C openSUSE

Let's thinking about openSUSE's security(in Japanese Program)
Improve system security and analyse files in the event of an incident

presented by ciel1981

In recent years, large-scale attacks and other incidents have made the news. The key is how to prevent and detect malicious attacks from the Internet. Therefore, although this will be a personal study, we will explain the security mechanisms that the operating system has and the means to improve security without spending money by making full use of packages, etc.

Specifically, it will



13:30 - 14:10 Room B openSUSE
C. Miller

Using microos as a virtualization/lxc host with incus.

presented by C. Miller

This talk will focus on showing what can be done with lxc/incus on MicroOS.

I will start with a brief introduction of MicroOS, and why I believe it to be a great virtualization/lxc container host. Essentially highlighting the advantages of atomic updates, immutability, btrfs, rollbacks, and the philosophy of using it to achieve only one purpose.

I will then...


13:30 - 13:50 Room A openSUSE
Jan Fooken

Your own openSUSE MicroOS derivative with the Open Build Service (OBS) and mkosi
What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, systemd/Linux

presented by Jan Fooken

A few weeks ago, my friend Victoria showed me the new Wayland compositor she built, COSMIC-comp. I was so intrigued by it, that is kick-started my journey with tiling window managers on Wayland.

Having been a happy Aeon and MicroOS user, I didn't just want to "ruin" my pristine Aeo...


13:50 - 14:10 Room A openSUSE
Axel Braun

Free Software for Healthcare
Sharing is Caring - but not with anyone

presented by Axel Braun

Healthcare data is highly sensitive information. The market is very promising, why many of the big players invest in it.

But is this in the best interest of the consumer? Why do you need a cloud subscription to monitor your smartwatch? Why don't you have a choice for your healthcare data service provider? The profit companies collect your data, analyze it and sell the result back to you (An...


14:15 - 14:55 Room A Cross Distro
Kento Kawakami

Have a good the DNS in the Cloud
Advanced Functionalities and Custom Solutions with PowerDNS, KnotDNS, and Golang

presented by Kento Kawakami

DNS is the important parts of the cloud. But, Container and VM are spoken when talk about the clouds.

DNS can use wide area in the cloud. For example, not only hostname but also GSLB and Service Discovery. In this session, I present a way to processing DNS response for improve cloud computing.

The most commonly used open-source DNS software includes Bind, NSD, and Unbound. These DNS s...


14:15 - 14:55 Room B openSUSE
Maulana Abdurrahman M. Edwin Zakaria

Utilization of open-source technologies in Geographic Information System (GIS) Solutions
Case : Map Viewer Application with Leaflet, PostgreSQL + PostGIS, Geoserver

presented by M. Edwin Zakaria, Maulana Abdurrahman

Geographic Information System (GIS) has become an essential tool in various fields, including disaster management, marketing analysis, urban planning, transportation, and more. Traditionally, GIS software has been associated with high costs, limiting accessibility, and complex licensing models. However, the rise of open-source technologies has transformed the GIS landscape, offering powerful an...


14:15 - 14:35 Room C openSUSE
Mika Abigael Br Sebayang M. Edwin Zakaria

Optimizing Logistics with AR.js: Enhancing Delivery Routes with Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality Markers to Improve Efficiency and Reliability in Logistics Operations Using AR.js

presented by Mika Abigael Br Sebayang, M. Edwin Zakaria

According to a 2023 Statista report, the AR & VR market is rapidly growing, with major contributions from China and the United States. This presentation focuses on using AR.js, a lightweight JavaScript library, to optimize logistics by enhancing delivery routes with augmented reality without GPS. AR.js was chosen for its efficiency and ease of web integration. The application uses AR markers a...


14:35 - 14:55 Room C openSUSE
Nurul Aulia Dewi M. Edwin Zakaria

Carbon Footprint Reduction through Cycling: Strava API Approach
Exploring Environmental Impact Analysis and Data Visualization Using Python and JavaScript

presented by Nurul Aulia Dewi, M. Edwin Zakaria

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), the transportation sector was responsible for approximately 24% of energy-related greenhouse gas emissions in 2020. In efforts to reduce individual carbon footprints, environmentally-friendly physical activities such as cycling are becoming increasingly important. This presentation focuses on utilizing programming, specifically Python and Java...


15:00 - 15:20 Room C openSUSE

A way your distro to support Secure Boot

presented by tsuru-m0

In modern computing environment, if you build own linux kernel, or bootloader for your needs or your user's needs, these are not boot by default since security feature is there, the UEFI Secure Boot.
Secure Boot require that bootloaders are digital signed by each hardware vendor(Platform Key) or the one commonly used big OS-vendor(Microsoft) CA.
Power users can disable Secure Boot from U...


15:00 - 15:20 Room B Cross Distro
Alessio Biancalana

Developing an application for GNOME in Rust
Everything I learned through my journey building a Pocket client for the Linux desktop

presented by Alessio Biancalana

Developing an application for GNOME can be quite an adventure, and I discovered both the bright side and the dark side of it on my own skin building a Pocket clone (it's my first desktop application!) for Linux.

In the end it can be quite satisfying, as we have got plenty of tooling to successfully come out with something working:

  • We have GTK;
  • We can write our memory safe software in...

15:00 - 15:20 Room A Cross Distro
Didiet A. Pambudiono

Optimizing Lightweight Kubernetes Deployments: K3S on openSUSE Leap
Enhancing Edge Computing and Resource-Constrained Environments with a Robust Linux Foundation

presented by Didiet A. Pambudiono

The rapid adoption of Kubernetes has transformed the landscape of container orchestration, offering unparalleled capabilities for deploying and managing containerized applications. However, traditional Kubernetes distributions can be resource-intensive and complex, posing challenges for edge computing and resource-constrained environments. K3s, a lightweight, certified Kubernetes distribution, ...


15:45 - 16:25 Room A openSUSE

Making IT Lessons More Fun: Tips and Tricks for Teens
Tips and Tricks

presented by umulsidikoh

Carrying out regeneration in the IT world is not an easy thing. For this reason, we need to encourage them to feel that the world of IT is interesting and fun so that they are more enthusiastic about learning about it.

Teenagers and IT? This could be a fun combination! Here are some great tips to make IT lessons more fun and make them enthusiastic about learning.

These tips can be used by...


15:45 - 16:05 Room B Cross Distro
Vysakh Premkumar

Freedom, Education and Free software
A discussion on how academic spaces can promote Free Software

presented by Vysakh Premkumar

“Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness.” ― Alejandro Jodorowsky

It is necessary to understand the values of freedom and free software during one’s schooling to keep it close to heart when one lives in a society. The Talk intends to initiate a discussion on Free Software's role, especially in communication and community building in academic spaces. Generally, Educational institu...


16:05 - 16:25 Room B Cross Distro
Estu Fardani

Become openSUSE Asia Commmittee
Behind the Scenes of a Successful Summit

presented by Estu Fardani

o successfully hold the annual summit in the Asia region, local hosts receive support from the Asia Committee.

Who are they? The Asia Committee members come from various regions across Asia. They assist in preparing the summit in many aspects, including event preparation, bid proposals, host selection, call for logos, call for speakers, call for the next host, call for sponsors, and more. Ty...


16:30 - 16:50 Room A openSUSE
Saputro Aryulianto

Double-edged Sword of Automation
Handling Incidents with Management Process

presented by Saputro Aryulianto


We recently encountered a significant issue when our cloud cluster was accidentally destroyed. This disruption had severe consequences for our business operations and finances. This incident emphasized the importance of understanding and mitigating risks associated with managing cloud clusters.

During the presentation, I will offer a comprehensive overview of the incident, ou...


16:30 - 16:50 Room B Cross Distro
Fuminobu  Takeyama

Lightening Talks

presented by Fuminobu Takeyama

To be announced later.

16:50 - 17:20 Room A Cross Distro