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Roxanne is currently a junior in High School, attending the International School of Beijing in Beijing, China. Fluent in Chinese and English, she is passionate about open-source AI and writing. Some of her hobbies include reading, volleyball, coding, travel, and music. Her wide spectrum of interests as well as her learning environment growing up sparked her interest in Artificial Intelligence, and open-source AI was chosen to be the starting point of her long but exciting journey. She established a technology related club at her school, named Digitally Driven Dragons. As the president of the club, Roxanne is responsible for event organization, planning schedules, and managing project progress. She leads the effort to promote learning technology among female students and influence high school students to delve into latest AI trends. She leverage her resource to bridge students with industry experts to broaden students horizons in various STEM fields.

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Roxy is a 10th grader who has recently been introduced to the open-source world through the exhilarating SUSE Student Mentor program. In this talk, she will share her story with mentoring program, how she collaborated with her mentor to accomplish a self-balance two-wheel electric car project from scratch.

The SUSE Student Mentor program aims to encourage students and youngsters to join various open-source activities, and consider to become open-source world citizens. If a student proposes an open-source project to work on, volunteers from openSUSE China community will be the mentor to help him/her achieve this project.

Always wanted to build cool stuff, Roxy managed to find this project. The two wheels of this car are driven by battery motor and controlled by software running on ARM Cortex-M3 chip. Hardware design and source code are published by Noobfun and can be accessed from internet. She first knew nothing about software or hardware development, but had strong curiosity in this space. After reading the technical documents while consulting ChatGPT, she managed to assemble the hardware, and understand what source code was, what compiler and linker were, and how to load the compiled binary to the hardware and check its status via serial port. After 12 months effort, she put all parts together and the two-wheel car moved stably as designed.

From this presentation, audiences will know how openSUSE members influenced Roxy to step into the open-source community, and how she completed this unbelievable journey to have a glance into the open-source world.

2024 November 2 - 14:35
20 min
Room C

Happening at the same time:

  1. Getting Your Customized openSUSE Kernel on OBS
  2. Start Time:
    2024 November 2 14:15

    Room A

  3. How I met the Debian JP study session and the openSUSE developer community in Japan.
  4. Start Time:
    2024 November 2 14:35

    Room B