Presented by:

Shobha Tyagi

from Education in Indian University

Computer Science post graduate from India. Working as an assistant professor in an University in India.

My contribution in open source till date:

  • Worked as Outreach Program for Woman "Intern" December 2013- March 2014.
  • GNOME foundation Member since 2012-2022.
  • Attended GUADEC 2014, GNOMEAsia.2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
  • Attended OpenSUSE.Asia 2018, 2019.
  • Organized GNOME.Asia 2016 in India.
  • Organized openSUSE.Asia 2021 in India in online mode.
No video of the event yet, sorry!

Keeping IT infrastructure stable, secure, and compliant in a variety of settings is a difficult undertaking for IT managers, particularly in light of the growing popularity of cloud computing, virtualization, and containerization. This is where SUSE Manager comes into play, providing an all-inclusive IT infrastructure management solution.The top SUSE Manager features and capabilities that make it a global preference for IT infrastructure administrators are Unified Management Console,Automated Patch Management, Configuration Management, Software Lifecycle Management, Monitoring and Alerting, Compliance Management, Provisioning and Bare Metal Deployment, Container Management, High Availability and Disaster Recovery, Extensibility and Integration etc. As a result, SUSE Manager is the Swiss Army of IT infrastructure management. With features like container orchestration and automated patching, it has everything an IT infrastructure administrator could want for, freeing up IT teams to concentrate on critical projects and promote business innovation.

2024 November 3 - 12:05
20 min
Room B

Happening at the same time:

  1. 20th anniversarry of Ubuntu and 20 years of Desktop Linux
  2. Start Time:
    2024 November 3 11:45

    Room A

  3. NeuVector quick install with HELM and GKE
  4. Start Time:
    2024 November 3 11:45

    Room C