Program for openSUSE Summit

Opening Keynote
presented by Robert
Members of the openSUSE Board will welcome attendees to the openSUSE Summit.
We would like to thank our sponsors who helped make the event possible. We would also like to thank those that have helped in organizing the event and pulling everything together. Thank you to our speakers who are providing the great content the openSUSE Summit has in store for everyone.
Last but not least a than...
more 15:15 - 16:05 Goofy
Musescore 2.0
What's new in the latest release
presented by craig gardner
Writing sheetmusic for your band shouldn't be difficult or stand in the way of your creativity. And your sheetmusic software shouldn't cost you more than your awesome guitar or keyboards. Enter MuseScore, the opensource solution for all your sheetmusic needs. Version 2.0 is expected to be released before the end of 2.0. This presentation will describe and demonstrate the new features of thi...
more 16:15 - 16:45 Tigger
Geekos infrastructure overview
A short introduction into the infrastructure behind openSUSE
presented by Lars Vogdt
Providing an overview about the hardware, the software, the team and the policies behind the openSUSE infrastructure. If you ever want to know how many servers and administrators are needed to provide the current amount of services that keep the openSUSE distribution alive and the community connectect, this might be one of the main sessions you like to attend.
16:15 - 16:45 Goofy
Authentication and SSSD
New paradigm for managing multiple auth mechanisms
presented by Don Vosburg
Ever get frustrated with the limitations of Linux authentication? Have you tried to enable features like nested groups and had trouble? SSSD is a system daemon. Its primary function is to provide access to identity and authentication remote resource through a common framework that can provide caching and offline support to the system. It provides PAM and NSS modules, and in the future will D-...
more 17:00 - 17:50 Goofy
openSUSE Maintenance
Introduction and how it works
presented by Marcus Meissner
Fixing security and other bugs after the release of an openSUSE distribution needs of course to be done. Over the years process and tools were developed to facilitate these processes, and these are currently run by the openSUSE Maintenance team and also by the Evergreen team. The talk will give a process and workflow description of the openSUSE Maintenance process and go into some technical d...
more 17:00 - 17:50 Tigger
presented by Robert
Mykel Alvis will speak to us about fostering better communication, a topic that is very important within openSUSE and any open source project. Mykel's current interest lie in IT automation and he has a plethora of experience in the enterprise and open source realms as developer and consultant. Mykel has spoken at many events, including this year's South East Linux Fest and Puppet Camp.
09:30 - 10:20 Goofy
Become a systemd ninja
presented by Frederic Crozat
This workshop will help you learn : - how systemd is working - the concepts used for systemd - how to use the various tools available with systemd to better monitor or tune your system - how to write system services files and many other skills only systemd ninjas ;)
No previous ninja skills are required to attend this workshop
10:45 - 12:45 Genie Lab
Introducing the SUSE Security Team
presented by Marcus Meissner
In these days no software product can be shipped without having security in mind, both before and after shipping, which goes for all Linux distributions, be they Enterprise or Community Linux distributions.
The security of the openSUSE distribution is under the sharp eyes of the SUSE Security Team. Several long time security experts coordinate that it is developed in a secure way (proact...
more 10:45 - 11:35 Goofy
Promoting openSUSE
How to run a booth and how to present openSUSE
presented by jospoortvliet
How to prepare for, set up and staff an openSUSE booth? This community manager has visited countless booths all around the world and shares his best tips and tricks with you. From how to set up and what to bring to openSUSE talking points and arguments for visitors. Pictures included!
10:45 - 11:15 Tigger
Open Build Service
The Past, the current state and the future
presented by Adrian Schröter
The Open Build Service is primarily developed as part of the openSUSE project. It is used to develop the openSUSE distribution itself, but also to build additional packages for all kind of Linux distributions. Last but not least it has been picked up also by other distributions.
The talk will give an overview about the history, the concepts and future plans.
11:45 - 12:35 Goofy
openSUSE Town Hall Meeting
presented by Robert
A live openSUSE project meeting. The Town Hall meeting can be used to asked questions about any topic related to the project, these can be technical or non technical in nature. Pretty much any topic participants want to discuss can be a topic of the conversation. This is an interactive session and active participation by the attendees is required.
13:45 - 14:35 Goofy
openSUSE on ARM / AArch64
Why Our Geekos have ARMs
presented by Dirk Müller
It has been an exciting year for the openSUSE/ARM team. Join this session for in-depth look at what the latest of openSUSE for ARM and ARM 64 bit (AArch64) is and to learn how the openSUSE ARM team managed to be first in providing a general purpose Linux distribution for AArch64. We'll share our experiences in building this port as well as give an outlook about the future of ARM on (open)SUSE.
14:30 - 15:20 Tigger
Building images with KIWI
presented by Robert
KIWI is an image/appliance built tool. The projects is open source and sponsored by SUSE ( .) This workshop will teach attendees how to work with kiwi on the command line to create images. After an approximately hour long basic introductory presentation attendees built their own appliance using the concepts illustrated at the beginning of the workshop. The w...
more 14:30 - 18:30 Genie Lab
15 Years of Open Source: It’s About the People
presented by Russ Pavlicek
This year marks the 15th anniversary of the coining of the term "Open Source". For those of us who have been around during those 15 years, much has changed; the movement has progressed from a ragtag group of eccentric enthusiasts working almost exclusively on personal time, to a worldwide powerhouse of software developers often financed by some of the biggest corporations on earth.
But will...
more 14:30 - 15:20 Goofy
community building in 10 steps
How to organize and build your own local or global community
presented by jospoortvliet
Building a local or global community is a lot of work and there is much you have to keep in mind. This talk will go over a number of things that can help you: 10 steps to building your own community.
Building a community has two sides: a practical and a organizational. Practically, you have to get subjects for talks, articles, code, news or other things people can rally around. When building...
more 15:30 - 16:20 Goofy
Mirroring made easy
presented by Lars Vogdt
MirrorBrain, an open source framework to run a content delivery network using mirror servers, is the tool behind helping mirror administrators and users to get what they need by organizing heterogeneous mirroring servers and redirecting users to their closest mirror providing the requested files.
This talk will give an introduction into MirrorBrain and help to ...
more 16:15 - 16:30 Goofy
13.1 Release working session
Work session for openSUSE 13.1
presented by toscalix
openSUSE 13.1 Release will take place on November 19th, right after openSUSE Summit. The previous days before the Release there are some tasks that needs to be done in which many of you can contribute, since most of them are related with creating contents, translations and marketing (social media, etc.). In this workshop we will explain some of these tasks and will work on them together with co...
more 16:15 - 18:15 Tigger
Building scalable CakePHP web apps
Build great SaaS apps using CakePHP framework
presented by Kostas Livieratos
Every web developer's target is to create a great SaaS app, easy to scale. Many prefer coding from scratch but why reinvent the wheel by the time there are perfect frameworks? One of them is CakePHP, a rapid code development PHP powerful framework. Combining the flexibility of PHP and the already-known MVC architecture, CakePHP is a great solution for a scalable SaaS. In this session we will se...
more 16:45 - 17:15 Goofy
Practical, Effective Virtualization
For remarkable reliability and uptime
presented by craig gardner
SUSE R&D has been virtualizing services for many years, even before "cloud computing" became a sexy buzz phrase. This presentation will show how we do it, which results in very reliable services, on servers that can be routinely updated, for minimal downtime of services. I'll show you how we do it.
17:15 - 17:45 Goofy
openSUSE Education Li-f-e
Who and where we are doing Li-f-e
presented by Lars Vogdt
The openSUSE Education project was one of the first openSUSE projects ever - and is providing not only packages for educational projects but also an amazing live DVD based on the regular openSUSE distribution and other repositories.
As we need you and your help to bring openSUSE into the schools, let us give you an introduction into our openSUSE-Edu Li-f-e (Linux for Education) system with...
more 09:30 - 10:00 Goofy
The Crowbar 2.0 Cloud Deployment Tool
Development and Debugging
presented by John H Terpstra
This presentation provides an overview of Crowbar 2.0, the Open Source Bare-metal provisioning tool for Openstack and Hadoop Cloud Solution infrastructures. The presentation will rapidly from context explanation and summary of key features to a live demonstration of the development environment and its debugging and validation toolset. Approximately 60% of the presentation will involve live exam...
more 09:30 - 10:20 Tigger
openSUSE Install Fest
presented by Robert
The Install Fest is a great way to get openSUSE running on your system or in a VM on your system while having immediate access to people that have been running openSUSE for years and are willing and able to help.
openSUSE 13.1 will land right around the time of the summit and thus the Install Fest is a great opportunity to get started with the latest release.
10:15 - 13:15 Tigger
presented by Alexandros Vennos
Presentation about openSUSE MATE Desktop Environment. I am a MATE Desktop user on openSUSE and I am also part of the openSUSE MATE social media team.
10:15 - 10:30 Goofy
Xen: Open Source Hypervisor Designed for Clouds
presented by Russ Pavlicek
It is no accident that Xen software powers some of the largest Clouds in existence. From its outset, the Xen Project was intended to enable what we now call Cloud Computing. This session will explore how the Xen Architecture addresses the needs of the Cloud in ways which facilitate security, throughput, and agility. It will also cover some of the hot new developments of the Xen Project. Anyone ...
more 10:45 - 11:35 Goofy
presented by Robert
Members of the openSUSE Board will close the event
We will announce the winners of the "Geeko Hunt" and wrap up the openSUSE Summit. We expect an exiting event and will have many memories to share as we depart Orlando. The next openSUSE event will be the openSUSE Conference at the end of April in 2014.
11:45 - 12:15 Goofy