Introducing the SUSE Security Team

Marcus Meissner
Marcus was born in 1973. He studied computer science in Erlangen, Germany and finished with Diploma. He worked for Caldera from 1999 until the closure of Caldera Linux Business in 2002. He is working for SUSE since 2002, and in the security team since 2004. He has lead the team until begin of 2013 and is now the security project manager. He also is part of the openSUSE Maintenance team and works on a lot of openSUSE packages. In his spare time he is a gphoto (digital camera access library) and Wine developer.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
In these days no software product can be shipped without having security in mind, both before and after shipping, which goes for all Linux distributions, be they Enterprise or Community Linux distributions.
The security of the openSUSE distribution is under the sharp eyes of the SUSE Security Team. Several long time security experts coordinate that it is developed in a secure way (proactive) , and that after release all upcoming security incidents are correctly tracked and fixed (reactive).
An introduction to our reactive workflow will be given, and we will also look at the proactive work we are doing for Factory.
- Date:
- 2013 November 16 - 10:45
- Duration:
- 50 min
- Room:
- Goofy
- Conference:
- openSUSE Summit
- Language:
- Track:
- Difficulty:
- systemd
- Start Time:
- 2013 November 16 10:45
- Room:
- Genie Lab
- Promoting openSUSE
- Start Time:
- 2013 November 16 10:45
- Room:
- Tigger