15 Years of Open Source: It’s About the People

Russ Pavlicek
Russell Pavlicek has been a speaker at over 50 Open Source conferences in the past 14 years. A Linux user since 1995, he was an Open Source columnist for Infoworld and Processor magazines, as well as a former panelist on The Linux Show weekly webcast. He authored one of the first books about Open Source, "Embracing Insanity: Open Source Software Development." He is currently employed by Citrix Systems as an Evangelist for the Xen Project.
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This year marks the 15th anniversary of the coining of the term "Open Source". For those of us who have been around during those 15 years, much has changed; the movement has progressed from a ragtag group of eccentric enthusiasts working almost exclusively on personal time, to a worldwide powerhouse of software developers often financed by some of the biggest corporations on earth.
But will the arrival of major corporate involvement cause the spirit of the movement to be overwhelmed by the interests of big business? Not if we remember where we came from and why -- and we remember to teach this to the newest members of the community. The heart of the lesson is this: in Open Source, it's all about the people.
- Date:
- 2013 November 16 - 14:30
- Duration:
- 50 min
- Room:
- Goofy
- Conference:
- openSUSE Summit
- Language:
- Track:
- Difficulty:
- openSUSE Town Hall Meeting
- Start Time:
- 2013 November 16 13:45
- Room:
- Goofy
- openSUSE on ARM / AArch64
- Start Time:
- 2013 November 16 14:30
- Room:
- Tigger
- Building images with KIWI
- Start Time:
- 2013 November 16 14:30
- Room:
- Genie Lab