Presented by:

Estu Fardani

from Komunitas openSUSE Indonesia

I am openSUSE user from Indonesia, currently working as DevOps in Indonesian Startup. Know openSUSE since 12.1 and start using openSUSE since 42.2 release. And for now, using Tumbleweed for daily activity.

Today in DevOps Culture, everything must less broken code, bug, error. Everything must pass testing process before run in server, staring on Development environment, Staging until Production environment.

This process also happen when writing automation script, wherever ansible, chef, puppet etc. Molecule is one of platform to aid development and testing of ansible role. This platform will make sure ansible role working perfectly, no error, repeatable. Molecule write in python. Molecule will need vagrant or docker for their virtualization provider. and able use multiple verify tool, such as serverspec, tox etc. It will make operation engineer working faster.

In this talk, I will demonstrate how to write clean ansible role, testing in local. testing using jenkins and deploy directly to production server automatically.

I will breakdown each part of my workshop - Introduction of Ansible, Role, Molecule - Installation tool (optional, I prefer all this tool have installed before workshop). - Writing Code - Testing Code - Implementation Code - Q&A - Closing

For people who want join this workshop, please read this preparation step to make our workshop more easy: 1. Bring your laptop, Min 4core, 8GB. 2. Operating System. I recommend use openSUSE Leap 42.2 or 42.3. But other GNU/Linux distribution is fine too. *nix OS is still fine too. 3. Install tool for this workshop: * Virtualbox Last Stable Version. * Vagrant; and donwload openSUSE image for vagrant. * Docker, * Ansible. * Your text editor (sublime, atom, vim) 4. Bring your Internet connection. I am not sure about Internet from the class. 5. Bring your external hardisk or USB Drive(8GB min) for backup plan, copy image etc from me. 6. Read introduction about molecule from official website ( We will use version 1.2 stable.

If you need more information, question you can send me an email estu[at]blankon[dot]id.

2017 October 22 - 15:45
2 h
Workshop Space

Happening at the same time:

  1. openSUSE to use on the desktop.
  2. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 15:45

    Room 1

  3. OpenStack Load Balancer as a Service (LBaaS) with openSUSE Leap
  4. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 15:45

    Room 2

  5. Single Sign On Services with Free/Open Source Software
  6. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 15:45

    Main Room

  7. Zeroconf as simple name resolution for LAN
  8. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 16:15

    Room 2

  9. Getting Started Modern Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
  10. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 16:15

    Main Room

  11. Write Your Story with OpenSource
  12. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 16:15

    Room 1

  13. Let’s start Hight Speed Packet Processing with DPDK.
  14. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 16:30

    Room 2

  15. Why we are turning to wayland?
  16. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 17:00

    Room 2

  17. How to build LibreOffice on your desktop
  18. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 17:00

    Room 1

  19. Getting started as an open source contributor
  20. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 17:00

    Main Room

  21. Installing LXQt of openSUSE to USB memory stick in UEFI environment
  22. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 17:15

    Room 2