Speedy Distro Porting via the cpu Command

Daniel Maslowski
Left school, had a job for 2 years, went to France for 6 months, studied IT security for 3 years while working here and there, switched to computer science and finally got things going. Into UNIXoids and other OS development. Got rid of Windows. Moved a number of times around Ruhr Valley. Attending lots of conferences and CCC events throughout the year. Fascinated by natural languages. Web and app developer, frontend, interfaces and backend, having done some infrastructure and system administration. Contributing to OS distros. Enjoying the internet, social networking and the sight of beauty all over the world. Doing some exhaustive sports. Started hacking on firmware at some point. Running whatever on whichever devices.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
Last year, I ported oreboot to the Allwinner D1 SoC that is found on the Nezha SBC and many other boards now. For a boot loader environment, I chose to embed LinuxBoot, and then partitioned an SD card with two root filesystems for testing: OpenWrt, which is small and just ran right away, and openSUSE, which required some extra effort. I was happy to see a new D1 board advertised with openSUSE support, though the process of getting there was tedious enough that I wanted to find an improvement to the workflow.
In this talk, I will recap how I modified the openSUSE RISC-V root filesystem,
moving an SD card back and forth, and showcase a faster approach instead by
leveraging the cpu
command that lets us do
that iteration over the network. Eventually, we will see how that can be
leveraged to continuously test Tumbleweed on real hardware through OpenQA and a
corresponding setup, which can also be applied to other hardware, such as ARM.
- Date:
- 2022 June 3 - 10:30
- Duration:
- 25 min
- Room:
- Seminarraum 1
- Conference:
- openSUSE Conference 2022
- Language:
- English
- Track:
- New Technologies
- Difficulty:
- Medium
- reproducible builds workshop
- Start Time:
- 2022 June 3 10:00
- Room:
- Seminarraum 2 (Lagerräume)
- Transitioning Beyond Leap - We need a new development model
- Start Time:
- 2022 June 3 10:30
- Room:
- Saal