Daniel Maslowski
Left school, had a job for 2 years, went to France for 6 months, studied IT security for 3 years while working here and there, switched to computer science and finally got things going. Into UNIXoids and other OS development. Got rid of Windows. Moved a number of times around Ruhr Valley. Attending lots of conferences and CCC events throughout the year. Fascinated by natural languages. Web and app developer, frontend, interfaces and backend, having done some infrastructure and system administration. Contributing to OS distros. Enjoying the internet, social networking and the sight of beauty all over the world. Doing some exhaustive sports. Started hacking on firmware at some point. Running whatever on whichever devices.
Daniel Maslowski presents 2 Events:
Open Source Firmware at openSUSE Conference 2019
Speedy Distro Porting via the cpu Command at openSUSE Conference 2022