RAD, cybersecurity, medical grade regulatory compliance and open source go hand in hand!

Hans de Raad
Independent consultant, open-source enthusiast (openSUSE, Drupal, etc). Also a big classical music lover (artistic manager of the Huygensfestival in Voorburg, supporter of several international chamber music festivals in/around The Hague, The Netherlands). One of my companies basic philosophies is, if open-source provides you with a stable revenue (thank you, 10x), you should do something in return. So my company donates 10% of its annual profit to one of the projects we've been using that year. This contribution can also be by providing help, i.e. in 2015 I was project lead and organizer for openSUSE conference in The Hague!
No video of the event yet, sorry!
Business processes evolve continuously, customer expectations and requirements change even faster. Process management and workflow support systems have a tendency to grow organically into fearsomely complex monolithic beasts while piling up technical debt in the process.
Data migrations come at high cost, changing systems almost always require data to be converted into the new systems particular data model, which makes doing data migration verification both complex as well as costly.
Using the open source/free software SQL database engine PostgreSQL, one of the leading Relational Database Management Systems, and in recent years the most popular database engine used in startups and scaleups, takes away the concern of future accessibility and integrity of the data itself. A middleware layer/REST API built with Symfony framework and a ReactJS based frontend ensure a fully responsive modern UX. Furthermore we use GitLab and Ansible for project management and automating our CI/CD environment.
At OpenNovations we’ve created a solution called Aranei built with standard open source tools which generates a state of the art, open web standards based, user interface on top of any existing SQL data structure. Keep the same schema/structure between source system and archiving solution, or to use the notion of a controlled copy, is a much less cumbersome approach, as a one on one data verification can be performed.
Not just the UI components themselves are generated by the metadata app modeling engine, also automated test scripts and a data dictionary are generated as part of the data verification process.
- Date:
- 2022 June 4 - 11:00
- Duration:
- 40 min
- Room:
- Seminarraum 1
- Conference:
- openSUSE Conference 2022
- Language:
- English
- Track:
- Open Source
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- cpu workshop -- a companion to Daniel Maslowski's talk on cpu
- Start Time:
- 2022 June 4 10:55
- Room:
- Seminarraum 2 (Lagerräume)
- MicroOS TIU
- Start Time:
- 2022 June 4 11:00
- Room:
- Saal