Program for openSUSE Summit at SCaLE17x

Network Boot in a Zero-Trust Environment with UEFI
How to get your Suse OS to boot or install from a Https server
presented by Harry Hsiung
Session title: Network Boot in a Zero-Trust Environment with UEFI Description: Network boot is commonly used for everything from booting thin clients to using IT automation for bare-metal provisioning. Unfortunately, most network boot infrastructure is based on outdated standards such as TFTP and PXE. This presents an issue when implementing a Zero Trust architecture, where security principles...
more 10:00 - 10:45 Ballroom F openSUSE
Teaching Open Source
"... and miles to go before I sleep"
presented by craig gardner
There simply is not enough exposure to open source in our schools. Surely, there is much work that can and should be done to introduce secondary (and primary!) students to open source tools, applications, operating systems, and methodologies. But even at the university level there is a surprising absence of knowledge of open source among students, even as they graduate. Despite to abundance ...
more 11:00 - 11:45 Ballroom F openSUSE
Building large health networks GNU Health Federation and openSUSE
10 years of Freedom and Equity in Healthcare
presented by Luis Falcon
GNU Health is the Free/Libre Health and Hospital Information System that is included in openSUSE.
GNU Health combines the socioeconomic determinants of health with state-of-the-art technology in bioinformatics, genetics and proteomics. It provides holistic picture of the person, from the biological and molecular basis of disease to the environmental determinants of health. In addition, it ma...
more 12:00 - 12:45 Ballroom F openSUSE
Buffer overflows and counter meassures employed in openSUSE
Counter meassures against buffer overflows and how to circumvent them
presented by Johannes Segitz
This talk gives a short introduction into buffer overflows, how to exploit them and which counter measures are used in openSUSE Linux to make exploitation harder.
We'll cover stack canaries, fortify source, address space layout randomization and NX. We'll see how they work and how they can be circumvented in a live demo of a working exploit that manages to circumvent these security measures...
more 13:00 - 13:45 Ballroom F
Uyuni: Adding flavor to open source infrastructure management.
Systems management for the open source world
presented by Patrick Swartz
As Linux and opensource continue to expand into all areas of IT, sysadmins need concise way to manage patches, deployments, security, and configurations to name just a few. The new Uyuni project intends to answer those questions and more.
This presentation will introduce Uyuni and give a demo of use-cases across several Linux platforms and architectures.

SUSE Enterprise Storage and Ceph
It's Bigger on the Inside!
presented by craig gardner
Storage needs are growing .... faster than expected, and faster then can be accommodated by traditional storage. Non-traditional storage solutions are necessary, available, and wonderfully capable. This talk will discuss the problems of the growing shortage of storage, illuminate the hidden secrets of Software Defined Storage (SDS), and demonstrate how Ceph distributed storage is an application...
more 15:00 - 15:45 Ballroom F openSUSE
The next steps for open source cloud
presented by FrankKarlitschek
Privacy and security on the internet are under attack by hackers and international espionage programs. If we want to use the internet as a free and secure medium again then we have to fix the internet to provide the security and privacy that people deserve.
The Nextcloud community is build an open source and fully federated and distributed network for files and communication. Everyone can ru...
more 16:00 - 16:15 Ballroom F
Turning your openSUSE into your private cloud! Getting Nextcloud on a device of your choice.
Come follow along with me as I install Nextcloud on Leap 15 server.
presented by Matthew McGraw
A private cloud is awesome. With Nextcloud, you can sync your data between your devices (phone, desktop, tablet, you name it), share it with other users on your server, via a public link accessible from a browser or to users on other Nextcloud servers. You can work with others in real-time, editing documents, commenting on files. You can chat or have a video call. Sync your notes. Yo...
more 16:30 - 17:30 Ballroom F openSUSE
Understanding openSUSE's Distro Relationships
presented by Douglas DeMaio
This talk will focus on the synergies of openSUSE Leap and SUSE Linux Enterprise, how contributing to openSUSE Tumbleweed can influence the aforementioned releases and what users can expect with the road map for Leap.