Presented by:

I am a person who has a hobby of swimming and writing. I am a student at one of the universities in Indonesia, namely the Banten Jaya University. I am active in communities, namely the Indonesian-Serang Linux Community. Was once a speaker of libreoffice and was the committee for inkscape and workshop competitions.

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Writing is one form of activity that is very complete and fundamental because it discusses a complete way of thinking and various reservations that are discussed with approved techniques. When even starting to write early or around 3-5 years old, a child will begin to learn to hold an object such as crayons, pencils, and pens and after that, the children will learn how to write. Writing is also a basic requirement for everyone, from small children to adults, activities carried out by everyone and in any field of work. In the current era of development, the need to write can be obtained in the form of increasingly sophisticated technologies such as computers, laptops, and mobile phones. Writing activities can also be done anywhere with media using paper and pens or computers. Using a computer or laptop, an operating system will be provided for the application provided. There is a new thing that can be tried in the OpenSource operating system which is using LibreOffice Writer. This application makes it easy for you to write reports, papers and book making. So from the explanation above, I would like to invite you to create a book, for example, using LibreOffice Writer and use the facilities that are in it. The focus of this activity is how to make paragraph styles according to the needs of a book that will be created and how to make automatic numbering in a book. The material that will be delivered has been applied previously by me in the preparation of the PPKN textbook package.

2019 October 6 - 14:30
30 min
Ruang 203c (2nd floor)

Happening at the same time:

  1. openSUSE MicroOS
  2. Start Time:
    2019 October 6 13:00

    Ruang 203a (2nd floor)

  3. Reliable Deployments with Kubernetes and Istio
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    Ruang 203b (2nd floor)

  5. Dos and Don'ts while writing a proposal for Hosting an OpenSource Conferences
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    2019 October 6 14:30

    Ruang 201 (2nd floor)

  7. RLE - Why Emergency Response & Contacts Are Important for Event Organizers
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    Aula Suastika (4th floor)

  9. Introduction to Grub2's GitHub and OBS integration
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    2019 October 6 14:30

    Ruang 202 (2nd floor)