Introduction to the Synnefo OSS IAAS Platform
Astakos -> Pithos : Plankton : Archipelago -> Cyclades

George Pantazis
George Pantazis is employed by GRNET since January 2010 and has worked in various aspects of the Okeanos Cloud Service and has followed through and has been part of the team that followed the project from it being an idea to a full fledged Beta with thousands of users and tens of thousands of VM's live. George is currently active with the development team that works on the Pithos+ Windows Client and the Pithos+ Android Client, both tools used to transform the object store service (Pithos+) to a fully functional FS aware syncing platform.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
A brief introduction on the Synnefo IAAS Platform, a fully OSS software stack that includes a full set of management tools for the users,vms, storage, hosts and a comprehensive web console for the end user. Synnefo has a fully exposed REST API that can control every aspect of the platform including the ability for the service end user to implement his own management tools and incorporate them to any internal infrastructure. The whole platform is designed to scale in a plug and play manner, it uses commodity storage and supports persistent VM's.
- Date:
- 2013 July 22 - 10:00
- Duration:
- 1 h
- Room:
- Zeus
- Conference:
- openSUSE Conference
- Language:
- Track:
- openWorld
- Difficulty:
- openSUSE Artwork & Branding - Putting it all together
- Start Time:
- 2013 July 22 10:00
- Room:
- Dimitra