The openSUSE Conference brings together a wide variety of Free and Open Source contributors to collaborate on one of the major Linux distribution projects.
openSUSE Conference has the most awesome program ever!
Community & Project
Sessions in this area should focus on openSUSE project and community activities, including but not limited to project governance, marketing, artwork, ambassador reports, collaboration with other...
Geeko Tech
Sessions in this area should focus on openSUSE technologies such as packaging, the distribution, the openSUSE infrastructure etc.
For this area we invite other FOSS projects to share their work and collaborate with the openSUSE community. Sessions are not limited to technical content, you may choose to talk about your...
Support openSUSE Conference
Where to stay in Thessaloniki
We recommend the following accommodations for your visit.

Aegeon Hotel
The hotel is in the city center.
- Single: 38 €/night
- Double: 45 €/night
- Triple: 58 €/night
- Email:

Egnatia Hotel
The hotel is in the city center.
- Single: 44 €/night
- Double: 50 €/night
- Triple: 63 €/night
- Quadruple: 76 €/night
- Email:

Egnatia Palace
The hotel is in the city center.
- Single: 70 €/night
- Double: 80 €/night
- Email:
The hotel is near to the city center.
- Single: 40 €/night
- Double: 50 €/night
- Triple: 65 €/night
- Email:

Kinissi Palace
The hotel is in the city center.
- Single: 40 €/night
- Double: 50 €/night
- Triple: 60 €/night
- Email:

Metropolitan Hotel
The hotel is near to the city center.
- Single: 44 €/night
- Double: 49 €/night
- Triple: 69 €/night
- Email:

Nea Metropolis
The hotel is in the city center.
- Single: 31.50 €/night
- Double: 35 €/night
- Triple: 45 €/night
- Email:
Bookings can be made directly here with promo offer code openSUSE