Experience in Troubleshooting a Skip Version Online Upgrade (42.3 to 15.1)
openSUSE Leap 42.3 to openSUSE Leap 15.1

A lecturer at Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Udayana University (Bali - Indonesia) and a user of openSUSE. He knew about SUSE Linux before 2000, just began using it since 2007 while pursuing his Master degree. OpenSUSE 10.2 was his first installed version of openSUSE distribution. Since then, he has been following most of the upgrades of openSUSE until the recent version of LEAP 15.1. He has experiences in developing software for openSUSE and also troubleshooting bugs and problems while using openSUSE distribution. Not really a hardcore user/contributor just an ordinary user.
No video of the event yet, sorry!
Experience in Troubleshooting a Skip Version Online Upgrade (42.3 to 15.1)
Maybe not so many openSUSE users want to try the online update because of the chance of fail or broken installation may happen. The author also prefers to do offline update since openSUSE 10.2 up to openSUSE Leap 42.2. But since openSUSE 42.2, the process in downloading big size of ISO file, burn it to DVD/CD or make live USB then using it only for one time of installation, and modify settings of the fresh installation sometime just too much. So why not try the online update and take the risk and experience. Actually it is easy to find the step-by-step instruction about how to do the online update on openSUSE website, but there are warnings and optional instructions that user might wants to skip and risk.
For the proposal, the author proposes experiences sharing in running and troubleshooting a skip version online upgrade from openSUSE Leap 42.3 to 15.1. First, the possibility of fail and broken installation can be minimized by backup and prepare rescue disk. Find and add correct version of repositories for target, for this case 15.1. The author prefers YAST GUI to do this (easy and user friendly), and make sure all important repositories included. Update-OSS, update-non-OSS, OSS, and non-OSS should be enabled and refreshed. Disable all other repositories because it will bring dependency problems and could stop the upgrade process. The next processes need to be done in command line session (tty) outside GUI (xorg) because there are chances of freeze while upgrading in GUI. Run zypper then download in advance the package, free space should be enough for the cache to store the package. It is possible to use symbolic link to other mounted partition or set parameter to download the packages to other partition in case the root partition not enough. There are also chances that the wireless connection disconnected in the process, so make sure it is possible to reconnect from the command line. If wireless connection can be maintained, it is not necessary to download in advance the packages, there are many options. Run the distribution upgrades with zypper and make sure to resolve any dependency. Lastly, modify hosts file if DNS problem occur during upgrade and update netconfig after upgrade.
Actually the author experienced broken upgrade because of not enough free space, multiple reboot, DNS and wireless connection problem, but by following all of the precautions explained above, the chance of fail will be minimized and the online upgrade should be successful with all user files and most settings intact.
- Date:
- 2019 October 5 - 11:00
- Duration:
- 45 min
- Room:
- Ruang 203a (2nd floor)
- Conference:
- openSUSE.Asia Summit 2019
- Language:
- English
- Track:
- Difficulty:
- Medium
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