Presented by:

Neal Gompa

from Velocity Limitless

Neal is a developer and contributor in Fedora, Mageia, and openSUSE, focusing primarily on the base Linux system components, such as package and software management. He's a big believer in "upstream first", which has led him all over the open source world.

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Datto has been using the Open Build Service for five years with great success. However, we use OBS in a different manner than openSUSE, which has created challenges for leveraging OBS in our pipeline.

In this talk, we will briefly discuss our OBS deployment and how we integrated it into its software delivery pipeline. We'll show what went well with this software delivery model, what issues we had, and how we overcame them. We will also describe some of the weaknesses of our approach for others to consider if they wish to follow in our footsteps.

This talk is a follow-up to the openSUSE Virtual Summit talk on how Datto uses OBS for software delivery.

2020 October 15 - 21:00
30 min
Room 1

Happening at the same time:

  1. Improving the User Experience of LibreOffice’s Website
  2. Start Time:
    2020 October 15 21:00

    Room 2