(open)SUSE Product security
a short overview

Marcus Meissner
Marcus was born in 1973. He studied computer science in Erlangen, Germany and finished with Diploma. He worked for Caldera from 1999 until the closure of Caldera Linux Business in 2002. He is working for SUSE since 2002, and in the security team since 2004. He has lead the team until begin of 2013 and is now the security project manager. He also is part of the openSUSE Maintenance team and works on a lot of openSUSE packages. In his spare time he is a gphoto (digital camera access library) and Wine developer.
This talk will introduce the SUSE Product Security team, who handles the software security processes for openSUSE and also SUSE Linux Enterprise.
The SUSE Product Security work is split into "reactive" and "proactive" areas and engineering groups these days.
Reactive work refering to what is traditionally known as "security incident response", while proactive refers to security audits, design reviews and related areas of secure software development.
The talk will focus on the reactive side, giving statistics, and talk about some highlights from the last year.
Also bringing a small overview over how closing the leap gap changes affects the openSUSE Maintenance process.
- Date:
- 2022 June 2 - 15:15
- Duration:
- 25 min
- Room:
- Saal
- Conference:
- openSUSE Conference 2022
- Language:
- English
- Track:
- openSUSE
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- OSCC Meetup
- Start Time:
- 2022 June 2 14:30
- Room:
- Seminarraum 2 (Lagerräume)
- HPC deployment with warewulf4
- Start Time:
- 2022 June 2 15:15
- Room:
- Seminarraum 1