Nitin Madhok
Nitin Madhok works as a Systems Developer & Programmer at Clemson University. He has actively been involved with various Open Source Projects and currently holds #4 rank by commits for contributions made to the SaltStack Project on GitHub. He has been listed as the most active contributor to the OpenSource community according to OpenHub. He has been a speaker at a lot of conferences including SaltConf15, OpenStack Summit 2015 (Tokyo), SaltConf16 among others. He is also the maintainer for the saltstack-formulas organization on GitHub and is a SaltStack Certified Engineer. He has experience using, administering and managing infrastructures/tools such as OpenStack, SaltStack, VMware, Splunk among others. He has made significant contributions to the SaltStack code-base some of which include making it compatible with Python 3; creating the VMware cloud driver; creating ZFS/ZPOOL execution modules; creating ASAM, Spacewalk, Dynamic DNS runners etc.
Nitin Madhok presents 1 Event:
Managing VMware infrastructure using salt-cloud at openSUSE Conference 2016