Building Japanese Full-Text Search System by Solr ―Document Search and Application to Online Shopping Site—

I am a member of openSUSE Japanese user group. I was openSUSE.Asia Summit 2017 local committee and 2018 global committee. I introduced Portus in Japanese Open Source Conference Tokyo 2018 spring and some articles. I also introduced Kubic. I am using openSUSE in my house since openSUSE 13.1.
This talk explains how to build and use Japanese full-text search system on openSUSE. Apache Solr is an open source full-text search system supporting Japanese. Many products now use full-text search systems. It is relatively easy to set up those full-text search systems since they are packaged.
At first, I explain how to install Solr on openSUSE and search a text from Word, Excel, PDF, and RSS documents.
Next, I explain an example of apply Solr to the online shopping site.
Solr have features such as :
Facet search function can quickly show the number of items for each category.
Highlighter is a function to highlight searched keyword when you search a text from descriptions of items. It can also retrieve texts around that keyword.
We can use those features for online shopping site since Solr can search texts from RDBMS.
Recommendation searching, spatial search, and distribution search are also useful functions. I will briefly explain those functions as well at the end of this talk.
- Date:
- 2017 October 21 - 14:45
- Duration:
- 30 min
- Room:
- Room 1
- Conference:
- openSUSE.Asia Summit 2017
- Language:
- Track:
- openSUSE
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- OBS workshop
- Start Time:
- 2017 October 21 13:30
- Room:
- Workshop Space
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- Start Time:
- 2017 October 21 14:45
- Room:
- Main Room
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- Start Time:
- 2017 October 21 14:45
- Room:
- Room 2