Presented by:

Ancor González Sosa

from YaST Team at SUSE Linux

Ancor González Sosa got hooked on Free Software while studying Computer Sciences in the University at his homeland (Canary Islands) at some point near the year 2000, becoming a GNU/Linux addict. In 2002 he discovered Ruby which quickly became his language of choice (first for Qt based applications and later for web development). Being a very active local Free Software advocate, he was recruited in 2013 by the openSUSE Team at SUSE Linux as a web developer.

Since then, as you can see in his github profile, he has been trying to break the Build Service, openQA, YaST, the Travel Support Program application, software.o.o, progress.o.o, OSEM, Jangouts and several other tools related with the openSUSE project. Since July 2014 he is a proud member of the YaST Team at SUSE.

The openSUSE Travel Support program aims to support contributors representing openSUSE at events, conferences and hack-fests by reimbursing up to 80% of their travel and accommodation costs. Requests and reimbursements are managed through a specific web application available at

In this talk, the main developer of the tool will explain how you can use your existing Connect account to submit new events, to ask for travel support for a given event and to get your money reimbursed once your travel is over. It will also be the perfect chance to discuss about the improvements needed in the tool and the process after one year of activity and more than 30 reimbursements processed.

2014 April 27 - 15:30
30 min
openSUSE Conference
Community & Project

Happening at the same time:

  1. We are watching us
  2. Start Time:
    2014 April 27 15:30


  3. Free and Open Source Software in an Enterprise World
  4. Start Time:
    2014 April 27 15:30


  5. Un-Conference
  6. Start Time:
    2014 April 27 15:30
