Overview of LibreOffice 7.0 interoperability fixes
Loading and saving back to OOXML formats is important for LibreOffice

Vasily Melenchuk
- Software Engeneer @ CIB software GmbH for > 10 years
- LibreOffice Certified Developer

Michael Stahl
Joined the Sun Hamburg OpenOffice.org Writer team in 2007, and quarreling with various parts of OOo/LO since then; nowadays fixing bugs our customers need fixed in LibreOffice, employed by CIB labs GmbH.
LibreOffice 7.0 had a ton of fixes done by CIB software in the area of interoperability. Most of the work done was for better DOCX format support - but the results are not limited to thar! Here we will try to give an overview what nice things happened in this area, interesting and crazy document format feature. We will also try to share some ideas helpful in diagnosing interoperability problems. CET Time
- Date:
- 2020 October 17 - 14:00
- Duration:
- 30 min
- Room:
- Room 1
- Language:
- Track:
- Open Document Format, Document Liberation and Interoperability
- Difficulty:
- Easy
- LibreOffice Virtual Hackfest
- Start Time:
- 2020 October 17 14:00
- Room:
- Workshop Room
- LibreOffice and Native Gtk Widgets
- Start Time:
- 2020 October 17 14:00
- Room:
- Room 2