Presented by:

Robert Sirchia

from SUSE

I am Robert Sirchia the Head of Community Evangelism at SUSE. I have been working in technology for over 17 years. Most of that time has been spend in the .NET and Microsoft space. Moved towards the cloud when .NET became a first-class citizen on them. And I have never left, from Cloud Foundry to Kubernetes. I have led several large modernization efforts. I built out my last companies cloud practice. Putting together service offerings, comprehensive training and marketing. I have worked across a few industries from real estate to financial institutions. I have also did work with both energy & chemical companies and politics.

No video of the event yet, sorry!

Tech communities, like any other communities out there, face similar challenges around awareness, adoption, and management. But with open source communities we are typically designing and building software, all with the idea that if we build it they will come. However, we believe we know what our users want, because we are also users of the software that we build. But what if we build all of it and they don't come?

In this session the speaker will delve into the how-to's of highlighting existing use cases and exploring new ones, in the context of noncode contributions made by an end user, such as outreach efforts, documentation initiatives, and contributor growth. They will also demonstrate how to foster community interaction on contributing content that drives adoption for an open source project.

2024 June 29 - 14:45
30 min
Open Source

Happening at the same time:

  1. openQA Developer and User Meeting
  2. Start Time:
    2024 June 29 15:00

    Seminar Room 1