Writing a salt module
Experiences and best practice taken from writing a salt module for ceph

Owen Synge
Before working for SUSE, Owen worked at both a German and UK National research center for Particle Physics. He has been working in and around storage products for 15 years, with short breaks into cloud technologies. Owen believes that is a server that is untested its broken, unmonitored services are down, and if a computer system is not simple its too complex. He also believes that if you have more than 3 servers their deployment should be automated from boot to running service, and any less automation is just wasteful.
No video of the event yet, sorry! Meanwhile...
This talk is targeted at devops people who will need to automate things that have never been automated before. This talk will explain what is involved in creating a salt module up to the standard of built in modules. The talk will explain how execution modules, state modules and libraries can come together to make your product work for complex projects.
The presenter has experience of automating deployment in over 400 research centers around the world over the last 15 years.
- Date:
- 2016 June 22 - 12:00
- Duration:
- 1 h
- Room:
- Galerie
- Conference:
- openSUSE Conference 2016
- Language:
- Track:
- Salt Stack Summit
- Difficulty:
- Medium
- IndieWeb Hack Day Nuremberg 2016
- Start Time:
- 2016 June 22 10:00
- Room:
- Seminarraum 1
- Hawk 2.0 and Beyond
- Start Time:
- 2016 June 22 12:00
- Room:
- Saal