Testing OpenWRT using BoardFarm

Michal Hrušecký
Worked for a long time in SUSE as openSUSE Booster, apart from that used to maintain MySQL and MariaDB in openSUSE. Actually got voted once as a board member. Now ordinary community guy, still touching some packages from time to time. Long time PDA enthusiast, ARM and open source fan. Working at CZ.NIC at open source ARM WiFi routers!
No video of the event yet, sorry! Meanwhile...
OpenQA rulez when it comes to testing desktop and it is still quite good when it comes to testing server. But when testing routers, we face some different challenges. This talk would introduce to the BoardFarm - test-suite tailored to test routers.
- Date:
- 2016 June 26 - 10:00
- Duration:
- 15 min
- Room:
- Seminarraum 1
- Conference:
- openSUSE Conference 2016
- Language:
- Track:
- Technology & Development
- Difficulty:
- openSUSE and the Open Mainframe Project - an overview
- Start Time:
- 2016 June 26 10:00
- Room:
- Saal
- Integrating automated (security) testing into your development process
- Start Time:
- 2016 June 26 10:00
- Room:
- Seminarraum 2