Presented by:


from openSUSE user's group of Japan

A system engineer of system analysis. I'm using openSUSE/SUSE Linux since S.u.S.E Linux 5 and perhaps one of oldest member openSUSE user's group of Japan.

No video of the event yet, sorry!

Why Over the past few years, hardware evolved greatly. For example, Xeon E5 8895v2 (Ivy bridge architecture released 2012 by Intel) has 15 cores 30 threads computing, but now, Epyc(Zen architecture released 2017 by AMD) has 32cores 64 threads. How can we use them (max 64 threads!)?

In many cases, some business systems do not summarize. So, they have many servers and switches and pay many costs for maintenance them. Does it useless?

About one of answers, summarize them using virtualization technology. Many people say that it is very high costs. Could it be? I think it is true but fake. If use some edition of Windows Server or VMware, it is true. But using open source software, it is fake. However, it will cost the hardware. Delegate of virtualization technology of open source is KVM, so create some virtual system using KVM.

This program creates not only virtual servers but also virtual networks. Why this program handle virtual networking? Because after virtualizing the server, network virtualization will be the next task. It is strange that network switches can not be consolidated although servers aggregate. Don't you think so?

2017 October 22 - 14:00
15 min
Room 2

Happening at the same time:

  1. Kernel tracing by using trace event and systemtap
  2. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 13:15

    Workshop Space

  3. Heart of Automated Testing Framework in openSUSE : openQA
  4. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 13:45

    Room 1

  5. State of CJK issues of LibreOffice
  6. Start Time:
    2017 October 22 13:45

    Main Room